I wanted to put Julia into a preschool this year, but with me being unemployed, I just could not find one we could afford. I enrolled her in a couple of lessons at the Rec Center instead. I figured we would just put her in preschool next year.
Then this week Jerrod's aunt forwards me an email she had received from where she works. The local JVS Early Childhood Education Center runs preschools to give the high school students hands-on training and they had openings in Julia's age group. I called about it and it sounded great and was only $30 a month! I checked it out on Tuesday, the program sounds awesome. They do field trips, have parent days, an art show, investigation time, etc. Because it is a teaching program, there are about as many high school students as there are preschools, so the preschoolers get a lot of one=on-one attention. The high school students are the ones who do the lesson plans. There are 3 or 4 instructors there too.
Since it sounded good and the price was right, I signed Julia up! She started today! She goes on Thursday and Friday mornings. She was very excited this morning to go.
"Hurry up mom, lets go!"

Her new "Hello Kitty" backpack. (they needed a backpack for school)

Trying to get a picture at the front of the daycare, but the sun was in her eyes.

She took off running towards the door!

I stayed about 10 minutes to make sure she adjusted fine and that there was not any other paperwork they needed from me.
By the time I left she had already painted a picture and was off doing something else. When I told her "good-bye", she barely glanced my way and gave me the brush off.

When I picked her up, she said she had fun and was excited to go back tomorrow. I did not get much out of her about what she actually did, but as long as she has fun, that is the important part.