Thursday was a day of great news and a day of bad news. This post will be about the bad news.
The company I work for is in the middle of "restructuring". They were in the process of doing this anyway, but the poor economy sped up the process. In the process of restructuring, they identified several positions to be eliminated...... Mine was one of them......
I still have to work a few more weeks, but I have officially been let go. That hurts.....
I loved my job, I loved the people I worked with, I loved my clients; I also really loved the benefits!
I shocked myself in that even with all the pregnancy hormones running through me, I did not cry once over this. I was close a few times, but never did completely breakdown. The timing REALLY sucks and with this economy, it sucks even more, but I will get through it. When one door shuts, a window opens, right?
I think the thing that upsets me the most about this whole situation is that I am 5 months pregnant and that really complicates things. First off being insurance... Luckily, we can get insurance through Jerrod's employer, but it is not going to be near as good as mine was. Secondly, by the time my official end date comes around, I will be 7-8 months pregnant. Who is going to hire a hugely pregnant woman knowing they are going to have to take maternity leave soon.
Speaking of maternity leave, this really upsets me. I have been saving up all my vacation and sick leave so I could take off the entire 12 weeks allowed by FMLA and actually have it paid. Now I lose all that. I will get paid for my vacation leave, but it is just not the same. Even if I manage to find a job before this baby is born, I will not get paid maternity leave and will have to go back to work as soon as the 6 weeks is up.
Financially, I think we will survive, for now. I will get unemployment. Then take into account we will not be paying for daycare, savings on gas, along with a few other things I am looking into, I think we will manage fine; it will be tight, but it will be fine. At this point I am pretty convinced I will not be able to get a job until after the baby is born. I guess I just need to look at the positive; all the time I will get to spend with Julia. I had said many times after Julia was born that I would like to be a stay at home mom for awhile, well, now I have my chance. This is just not how I had planned on it.