This makes me really nervous.
I had been lucky. Julia was never a climber. She did not walk until she was 15 months old. It was not until then that Julia even attempted to climb our steps. We gated the steps off. They are hardwood and very steep. This setup worked great until now.
Julia has figured out that if she climbs on the toybox, she can climb over the gate. Several times this week she has gone up and down the stairs without us realizing it!!! Since the gate was no longer stopping her, we decided to just take it down.
She does great on the stairs, but it still makes me really nervous.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Fabulous Day (as always)
I could not believe my eyes when I read that comment on Julia's daily sheet from daycare this week. "Fabulous Day (as always)!!!"?? From MY kid??? I am just over the moon that Julia finally loves her daycare and is learning so much from it.
Jerrod and I were just talking last night, as Julia was correctly counting her blocks, that we took her to a Stay At Home Mom instead of a daycare when she was a baby thinking that it was best thing for her, but now we think it did more harm than good. Julia is just so much more social and learns so much at daycare! I have NO hesitation at ALL about putting this new baby in this daycare as soon as I go back to work. In fact, I already had them reserve a spot.
Oh, I have been noticing lately that occasionally when I pick Julia up, that she is in the Older Toddler class, not the younger toddlers. I guess she will be making the move permanently soon. This is when I realized how many toddlers there were younger than her in the toddler class. She is growing up so fast!!
Jerrod and I were just talking last night, as Julia was correctly counting her blocks, that we took her to a Stay At Home Mom instead of a daycare when she was a baby thinking that it was best thing for her, but now we think it did more harm than good. Julia is just so much more social and learns so much at daycare! I have NO hesitation at ALL about putting this new baby in this daycare as soon as I go back to work. In fact, I already had them reserve a spot.
Oh, I have been noticing lately that occasionally when I pick Julia up, that she is in the Older Toddler class, not the younger toddlers. I guess she will be making the move permanently soon. This is when I realized how many toddlers there were younger than her in the toddler class. She is growing up so fast!!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Baby boof store
We drive past a pet store everyday on our way home from daycare. Julia and I have stopped at this store before to buy fish food. Julia enjoyed looking at all the fish and puppies they had. So now when we drive by it, she frequently talks about the "baby boof store".
So one day this week, we stopped at the pet store on our way home. I did not need to buy anything, I just wanted to let Julia see all the animals again.
She loved it. She ran from one end of the store to the other and back again (the store is pretty tiny). She looked at all the fish, stared at the puppies and was intrigued by the birds. She actually asked to "pet it" when looking at the birds. Of course, that is an animal she was not allowed to touch.
We probably walked around for 15-20 minutes just looking at all the animals over and over again before I convinced her it was time to go home.
She has been asking to stop at the baby boof store every night since!
So one day this week, we stopped at the pet store on our way home. I did not need to buy anything, I just wanted to let Julia see all the animals again.
She loved it. She ran from one end of the store to the other and back again (the store is pretty tiny). She looked at all the fish, stared at the puppies and was intrigued by the birds. She actually asked to "pet it" when looking at the birds. Of course, that is an animal she was not allowed to touch.
We probably walked around for 15-20 minutes just looking at all the animals over and over again before I convinced her it was time to go home.
She has been asking to stop at the baby boof store every night since!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
More singing
I am just amazed at how will Julia knows songs.
She can recite her entire ABC's, including the little "now I said my ABC's..." at the end. Sure, she occasionally skips over a few letters, but I think that is darn good for a 2 year old.
She also can sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, complete with hand motions. Before she could only sing the first line and only do a few hand motions. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is another one she has down. She has a good part of Old MacDonald down too.
It is so neat to lay in bed at night and hear Julia over the monitor singing all these songs to herself (when she should be sleeping!).
We played the Beatles song "Julia" for Jerry the other day since he did not realize Julia was also a Beatles song (he knew Jude was). We have played this song many, many times before for Julia, but I guess she never really listened to it until now. Now she knows that it is a song about Julia. So now we get asked to "sing Julia song" on a regular basis. She always cheers when it is over too!
She can recite her entire ABC's, including the little "now I said my ABC's..." at the end. Sure, she occasionally skips over a few letters, but I think that is darn good for a 2 year old.
She also can sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, complete with hand motions. Before she could only sing the first line and only do a few hand motions. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star is another one she has down. She has a good part of Old MacDonald down too.
It is so neat to lay in bed at night and hear Julia over the monitor singing all these songs to herself (when she should be sleeping!).
We played the Beatles song "Julia" for Jerry the other day since he did not realize Julia was also a Beatles song (he knew Jude was). We have played this song many, many times before for Julia, but I guess she never really listened to it until now. Now she knows that it is a song about Julia. So now we get asked to "sing Julia song" on a regular basis. She always cheers when it is over too!
"Watch Cookie Monster on the 'puter"
I think I created a monster!
Monday night I got home from my meeting about 20 minutes before Julia's bedtime. She was just finishing up watching an Elmo DVD when I walked in. She wanted to watch it again, but with it being so close to bedtime, I did not want to start it again.
So I sat her down on the couch and pulled out my laptop. I logged on to, because at the end of one of her videos it talked about how you could play games and such at that site. While playing around, I found you could play clips of old skits by that features certain monsters. So we watched several of them. Julia thought it was really neat.
Then last night I was getting ready to leave for another meeting when Julia asked to "watch Cookie Monster on the 'puter". Jerrod asked if I was taking my laptop to my meeting. Nope, did not need it. You and Julia can play on while I am gone. Julia did not even notice I was leaving because she was so engrossed in the website.
I know Debbie says they occasionally watch YouTube videos of different kid shows.
What a difference in generations!! Although I found it really funny that some of the skits we watched on were from the 70's and 80's that I remember watching as a kid!!!LOL
Monday night I got home from my meeting about 20 minutes before Julia's bedtime. She was just finishing up watching an Elmo DVD when I walked in. She wanted to watch it again, but with it being so close to bedtime, I did not want to start it again.
So I sat her down on the couch and pulled out my laptop. I logged on to, because at the end of one of her videos it talked about how you could play games and such at that site. While playing around, I found you could play clips of old skits by that features certain monsters. So we watched several of them. Julia thought it was really neat.
Then last night I was getting ready to leave for another meeting when Julia asked to "watch Cookie Monster on the 'puter". Jerrod asked if I was taking my laptop to my meeting. Nope, did not need it. You and Julia can play on while I am gone. Julia did not even notice I was leaving because she was so engrossed in the website.
I know Debbie says they occasionally watch YouTube videos of different kid shows.
What a difference in generations!! Although I found it really funny that some of the skits we watched on were from the 70's and 80's that I remember watching as a kid!!!LOL
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Hide my credit cards now!!
I think I need to start hiding my credit cards now! I can only imagine what Julia will be like as a teenager! I think I need to make more money!
I have discussed before that Julia likes to go shopping, but I never realized just how much she likes it!
On Sunday, we stopped at Kroger's to pick up some Starbuck's on our way to see Jerry's new truck. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, Julia asked "Shopping?, Shopping?". She was getting all excited and was somewhat disappointed that she had to stay in the van with daddy while I ran in for the coffee.
Then in the afternoon, I stopped at a craft store so I could pick up some yarn to start Baby Jude's baby blanket. The craft store is in a strip mall. As soon as we pulled in the parking lot, again, Julia was asking "shopping?". She just wanted to go shopping so bad. Unfortunately, for her, she again stayed in the van with daddy so mommy could get in and out fast.
But since she was so good about staying in the van when she CLEARLY wanted to go shopping, I bought her a tube of plastic bugs at the craft store. She loved her "icky bugs".
Julia is only 2 and she already loves shopping this much!! I am terrified at what the years ahead will bring.
I have discussed before that Julia likes to go shopping, but I never realized just how much she likes it!
On Sunday, we stopped at Kroger's to pick up some Starbuck's on our way to see Jerry's new truck. As soon as we pulled into the parking lot, Julia asked "Shopping?, Shopping?". She was getting all excited and was somewhat disappointed that she had to stay in the van with daddy while I ran in for the coffee.
Then in the afternoon, I stopped at a craft store so I could pick up some yarn to start Baby Jude's baby blanket. The craft store is in a strip mall. As soon as we pulled in the parking lot, again, Julia was asking "shopping?". She just wanted to go shopping so bad. Unfortunately, for her, she again stayed in the van with daddy so mommy could get in and out fast.
But since she was so good about staying in the van when she CLEARLY wanted to go shopping, I bought her a tube of plastic bugs at the craft store. She loved her "icky bugs".
Julia is only 2 and she already loves shopping this much!! I am terrified at what the years ahead will bring.
Help mommy...
This is a new development I am really pleased about.
Before when she going not get something open or get something she wanted, she would just cry and whine about it and we were left trying to figure out what was wrong. But now, if she cannot get something she wants, she either brings it to us or drags us to it, and says "Help, mommy, help" or just "Help, help".
This is so much better than her just getting frustrated that she cannot get something herself and throwing a fit.
Before when she going not get something open or get something she wanted, she would just cry and whine about it and we were left trying to figure out what was wrong. But now, if she cannot get something she wants, she either brings it to us or drags us to it, and says "Help, mommy, help" or just "Help, help".
This is so much better than her just getting frustrated that she cannot get something herself and throwing a fit.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What a silly goof!
Julia is becoming such a silly goof! Now when I try you take her picture, she makes such a silly face.

She thought it would be silly to cover her face with her hat when I was trying to take this picture. BTW, this is one of the goodwill dresses I got for Julia to play dress-up with.

Being silly emptying out MiMi's bookcase!

Enjoying her very own coffee. (Her second one of the morning!!!)
She thought it would be silly to cover her face with her hat when I was trying to take this picture. BTW, this is one of the goodwill dresses I got for Julia to play dress-up with.
Being silly emptying out MiMi's bookcase!
Enjoying her very own coffee. (Her second one of the morning!!!)
Latest baby bump
Took a new belly picture this weekend. After a really early belly explosion, it had finally calmed down in the last couple of weeks so I look like a normal pregnant person again. But the bump grew again this week. Little Jude seems to be happy and growing big! I am 18 weeks, 1 day pregnant in this picture.

I stopped at the craft store today and picked up yarn to start the baby blanket for this little one. I don't like the baby boy colors, so I decided to go with bright colors for this blanket. I think it will look really neat once done.
I stopped at the craft store today and picked up yarn to start the baby blanket for this little one. I don't like the baby boy colors, so I decided to go with bright colors for this blanket. I think it will look really neat once done.
Friday, February 20, 2009
King a kong
I thought I posted this weeks ago, but I don't see it.
When Jerrod was little had a hard time with the letter "s". So when he would say he wanted to sing a song, it came out "hing a hong". He put a "h" when the "s" should be. He eventually grew out of it, but it is a fond memory of his mom's and she tells us the story on occasion.
Seems like his daughter has the same issue! Julia can say the letter "s" in certain words, but not others. A couple weeks ago she was talking about how she was going to sing a song and it came out "king a kong"!! LOL She puts a "k" where the "s" should be.
Like father, like daughter!
When Jerrod was little had a hard time with the letter "s". So when he would say he wanted to sing a song, it came out "hing a hong". He put a "h" when the "s" should be. He eventually grew out of it, but it is a fond memory of his mom's and she tells us the story on occasion.
Seems like his daughter has the same issue! Julia can say the letter "s" in certain words, but not others. A couple weeks ago she was talking about how she was going to sing a song and it came out "king a kong"!! LOL She puts a "k" where the "s" should be.
Like father, like daughter!
Night terrors
Julia occasionally gets nightmares (night terrors is technically what they are called in kids this young). She will go weeks and weeks without having any, then she will have them for several nights in a row. Apparently that is normal for night terrors.
She has been having them again this week. She cries for me, but you can tell she is not fully awake either. I will rock her for awhile and she will usually be fine for the rest of the night (although some nights she is up 2 or 3 times with them). It is like she just needs me there to assure her everything is alright.
From what I have read and people I have talked to, night terrors are very common at this age. I guess their brains are working so hard processing new things and learning new things, that sometimes it has a hard time "shutting off" at night. And that is what causes the night terrors (or so they think).
I can totally relate with the brain not shutting off at night. I have that problem a lot. I also have a problem with nightmares (although it is much better than it used to be).
So while it is normal, it still upsets me that she is having them. Julia does not seemed phased by them at all, however. Hopefully this passed soon.
She has been having them again this week. She cries for me, but you can tell she is not fully awake either. I will rock her for awhile and she will usually be fine for the rest of the night (although some nights she is up 2 or 3 times with them). It is like she just needs me there to assure her everything is alright.
From what I have read and people I have talked to, night terrors are very common at this age. I guess their brains are working so hard processing new things and learning new things, that sometimes it has a hard time "shutting off" at night. And that is what causes the night terrors (or so they think).
I can totally relate with the brain not shutting off at night. I have that problem a lot. I also have a problem with nightmares (although it is much better than it used to be).
So while it is normal, it still upsets me that she is having them. Julia does not seemed phased by them at all, however. Hopefully this passed soon.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Green bus, white bus..
Driving home from daycare last night we passed a school bus. Julia immediately said "yellow school bus!". Shortly there after, a green public transportation bus drive by. To which Julia said "green bus". But then she asked "Where is the white bus?". You see, most mornings there is a white public transportation bus parked at the bus stop next to the daycare. I think it is on break at that time.
So Julia had seen the green bus and the yellow school bus, so she wanted to know where the white bus was at!
She really likes telling me the colors of all the vehicles that go by.
So Julia had seen the green bus and the yellow school bus, so she wanted to know where the white bus was at!
She really likes telling me the colors of all the vehicles that go by.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Out of the mouth of Julia
Here are a few recent things I have heard Julia say....
She loves singing along to songs, even if it is one of my CD's that she does not know the words to. If she does not know the words, she just sings "Blah, blah, blah" at the top of her lungs! It is so funny to hear.
This morning I was finishing up getting ready in my bedroom when I hear her over the monitor say "I stand on the kitty". This confused me and I began to wonder if on of our cats had gotten into her room. When I got into her room, she was standing in the middle of her Hello Kitty quilt on the big kitty in the middle. She looked at me, smiled and said "I stand on the kitty". She thought it was really neat. Silly girl!
Yesterday there were a couple "big trucks" outside our house. They were trimming the trees around the power lines. Julia is fascinated by "big trucks" so she was intently watching them. When she asked "What they doin'?", I told her they were cutting the trees. Then this morning we see the same trucks on our way to daycare. Julia says "big trucks". I tell her yes, they are big trucks. She then surprised me by saying "cutting trees". She remembered that those same trucks were cutting trees yesterday!
She loves singing along to songs, even if it is one of my CD's that she does not know the words to. If she does not know the words, she just sings "Blah, blah, blah" at the top of her lungs! It is so funny to hear.
This morning I was finishing up getting ready in my bedroom when I hear her over the monitor say "I stand on the kitty". This confused me and I began to wonder if on of our cats had gotten into her room. When I got into her room, she was standing in the middle of her Hello Kitty quilt on the big kitty in the middle. She looked at me, smiled and said "I stand on the kitty". She thought it was really neat. Silly girl!
Yesterday there were a couple "big trucks" outside our house. They were trimming the trees around the power lines. Julia is fascinated by "big trucks" so she was intently watching them. When she asked "What they doin'?", I told her they were cutting the trees. Then this morning we see the same trucks on our way to daycare. Julia says "big trucks". I tell her yes, they are big trucks. She then surprised me by saying "cutting trees". She remembered that those same trucks were cutting trees yesterday!
Nights with daddy!
I am attending a series of meetings for work that are every Tuesday night for 8 weeks. Jerrod has to watch Julia and put her to bed on those nights. Apparently a lot of Elmo gets watched on those nights!!LOL
I send Jerrod a text at the break in our meeting wondering how Julia was doing. I got a reply that they had watched Potty Time Elmo twice (which Julia calls "Elmo's Daddy" because it has Elmo's dad in it), had a bath and were watching The Best of Elmo (which Julia calls "Elmo Julia", because it has Julia Roberts in it and Julia think it is really neat Elmo says her name) right before bedtime. That is a LOT of Elmo. But it keeps Julia happy and that keeps daddy happy.
I think Julia enjoys her nights with daddy. She is becoming more and more of a daddy's girl. She is actually preferring Jerrod over me on certain things and at certain times. That is just fine with me. BUT.... I do know when she is hurt, upset, or just plain tired, only mommy will do. But it is a start.
I send Jerrod a text at the break in our meeting wondering how Julia was doing. I got a reply that they had watched Potty Time Elmo twice (which Julia calls "Elmo's Daddy" because it has Elmo's dad in it), had a bath and were watching The Best of Elmo (which Julia calls "Elmo Julia", because it has Julia Roberts in it and Julia think it is really neat Elmo says her name) right before bedtime. That is a LOT of Elmo. But it keeps Julia happy and that keeps daddy happy.
I think Julia enjoys her nights with daddy. She is becoming more and more of a daddy's girl. She is actually preferring Jerrod over me on certain things and at certain times. That is just fine with me. BUT.... I do know when she is hurt, upset, or just plain tired, only mommy will do. But it is a start.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Computer time and cooking..
Yesterday while supper was baking away in the oven and Julia was watching Elmo, I pulled out my laptop to check email. I just could not stand Elmo again.
I was on the computer about 5 or10 minutes when Julia walked over to me, pushed the laptop closed and said "I don't like you on the 'puter"!!! WHAT!?! Even though, she was watching Elmo, I was still not allowed on the computer and had to pay attention to HER!! It was too cute to hear her say "'puter" though..
We had home-made 6 cheese stuffed manacotti for supper last night. Jerrod and Julia helped make it. Jerrod shredded the cheeses and Julia helped him mix them all together. She also made sure the cheese smelled and tasted fine!!LOL She would stick her nose in the bowl and smell it. She had a spoon to help stir it, I think a bit of the cheese was tried to make sure it was just perfect!
I have been trying really hard to let her help cook. Sunday she helped make Chocolate Chip Cookies. I did not even like them since baby boy apparently does not like me having sweets. But I knew Julia would enjoy helping make them and she would love eating them. She helped add the sugar and such. But then she decided her hands needed washed and that was the end of the helping, the water was much more fun!
I was on the computer about 5 or10 minutes when Julia walked over to me, pushed the laptop closed and said "I don't like you on the 'puter"!!! WHAT!?! Even though, she was watching Elmo, I was still not allowed on the computer and had to pay attention to HER!! It was too cute to hear her say "'puter" though..
We had home-made 6 cheese stuffed manacotti for supper last night. Jerrod and Julia helped make it. Jerrod shredded the cheeses and Julia helped him mix them all together. She also made sure the cheese smelled and tasted fine!!LOL She would stick her nose in the bowl and smell it. She had a spoon to help stir it, I think a bit of the cheese was tried to make sure it was just perfect!
I have been trying really hard to let her help cook. Sunday she helped make Chocolate Chip Cookies. I did not even like them since baby boy apparently does not like me having sweets. But I knew Julia would enjoy helping make them and she would love eating them. She helped add the sugar and such. But then she decided her hands needed washed and that was the end of the helping, the water was much more fun!
Julia seems stuck on the word "bucket".
The grocery basket was a "bucket".
The box our new grill came in was a "bucket". She really like that bucket and played in it for quite awhile.
I try telling her the correct names, but they are still "buckets" to her.
The grocery basket was a "bucket".
The box our new grill came in was a "bucket". She really like that bucket and played in it for quite awhile.
I try telling her the correct names, but they are still "buckets" to her.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Day off with Mommy
I had the day off from work because of the holiday. Since it is so rare to have a day off without any plans, I thought it would be a night day to spend with Julia, doing things she would like. I thought about taking her to the Boonshoft Museum, but I figured it would be crowded with most of the schools being off. Julia recently discovered she likes shopping, but I also figured the mall would be crowded, so I thought about a few things around here.
We started off watching a few cartoons in the morning after breakfast. Then we went grocery shopping, where Julia proceeded to give me a heart attack. She likes sitting in the main part of the cart, not the kid seat. Well today she refused to stay sitting and I was afraid she was going to tumble out onto the concrete floor. And she almost did!! At one point she stood up AGAIN. So I stopped the cart to get her to sit down. Well stopping the cart threw her off balance enough that she fell backwards out of the cart!!!! ACK!! A managed to grab a foot, she managed to grab the cart with one hand and a nice old man who was walking by also helped catch her. So she never hit the floor and was not hurt in anyway other than being pretty scared. After comforting her, I put her in the kid seat and strapped her in, she did not object like normal. Julia was wiping away her tears after she stopped crying and said "tears, tears".
We stopped at home just long enough to put the groceries away and change her diaper.
We then headed off to Goodwill. I was in search of some fancy dresses Julia can use to play dress-up with. I found some cute ones and bought them about 2 sizes to big, that way they will work for awhile. The checkout lady at Goodwill was quite appalled however, that I was just going to use these fancy dresses for play! Oh well. I got about 6 dresses, a skirt and a hat for Julia all for about $15. I would pay more that that for just ONE play dress at a store!
After Goodwill we stopped at a used book store I recently discovered. Julia ran around all the books while I looked. Luckily there were few customers and the owner did not seem to mind. I picked out a few books for me and a few for Julia. I even found some Sesame Street ones for her!
As we were checking out at the book store, I thought it smelled like Julia had just pooped her diaper. I did not bring the diaper bag with me and we were only a few minutes from home, so she just had to wait to be changed. When I put her in her car seat, she said "I sit on my poop!!"!! I about bust a gut laughing. Yes sweetie, you are sitting on your poop until we can get home to change you. When we got home and I was unstrapping her, she said again "I sitting on my poop!"
It was lunch time when we got home. Naptime comes right after lunch! I bought stuff that she can help make stuffed cheese manacotti tonight for supper!
All in all, I think Julia is having a fun day. I am trying to enjoy these days while I can because soon the baby will be here.
We started off watching a few cartoons in the morning after breakfast. Then we went grocery shopping, where Julia proceeded to give me a heart attack. She likes sitting in the main part of the cart, not the kid seat. Well today she refused to stay sitting and I was afraid she was going to tumble out onto the concrete floor. And she almost did!! At one point she stood up AGAIN. So I stopped the cart to get her to sit down. Well stopping the cart threw her off balance enough that she fell backwards out of the cart!!!! ACK!! A managed to grab a foot, she managed to grab the cart with one hand and a nice old man who was walking by also helped catch her. So she never hit the floor and was not hurt in anyway other than being pretty scared. After comforting her, I put her in the kid seat and strapped her in, she did not object like normal. Julia was wiping away her tears after she stopped crying and said "tears, tears".
We stopped at home just long enough to put the groceries away and change her diaper.
We then headed off to Goodwill. I was in search of some fancy dresses Julia can use to play dress-up with. I found some cute ones and bought them about 2 sizes to big, that way they will work for awhile. The checkout lady at Goodwill was quite appalled however, that I was just going to use these fancy dresses for play! Oh well. I got about 6 dresses, a skirt and a hat for Julia all for about $15. I would pay more that that for just ONE play dress at a store!
After Goodwill we stopped at a used book store I recently discovered. Julia ran around all the books while I looked. Luckily there were few customers and the owner did not seem to mind. I picked out a few books for me and a few for Julia. I even found some Sesame Street ones for her!
As we were checking out at the book store, I thought it smelled like Julia had just pooped her diaper. I did not bring the diaper bag with me and we were only a few minutes from home, so she just had to wait to be changed. When I put her in her car seat, she said "I sit on my poop!!"!! I about bust a gut laughing. Yes sweetie, you are sitting on your poop until we can get home to change you. When we got home and I was unstrapping her, she said again "I sitting on my poop!"
It was lunch time when we got home. Naptime comes right after lunch! I bought stuff that she can help make stuffed cheese manacotti tonight for supper!
All in all, I think Julia is having a fun day. I am trying to enjoy these days while I can because soon the baby will be here.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Coming out of her shell!
Julia is definitely starting to come out of her shell!
Debbie is a school teacher and since Jerry watches Julia on Friday's she thought it would be nice for Julia to come in today and have lunch with her. This way Debbie can show her friends and co-workers the little granddaughter she is always talking about.
This is the email I just received from Debbie
Okay, that is not the same Julia she used to be. Julia used to hide from strangers and she especially did not do crowds.
I have a feeling she might become quite the socialite!
Debbie is a school teacher and since Jerry watches Julia on Friday's she thought it would be nice for Julia to come in today and have lunch with her. This way Debbie can show her friends and co-workers the little granddaughter she is always talking about.
This is the email I just received from Debbie
You would not have believed Julia today at lunch. The longer she was here
the bolder she got. When the end of lunch bell rang she was running down
the hall toward all the kids. Everyone knew her name. She spoke to all of
my friends and gave several of them a high five. Where did she get that? I
was astonished at our shy little girl.
Okay, that is not the same Julia she used to be. Julia used to hide from strangers and she especially did not do crowds.
I have a feeling she might become quite the socialite!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
First baby pictures!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Yhew.....and we know the gender!!!!
Had my ultrasound this morning for my painful cramping. Everything looked GREAT!!! Cervix was closed and long, the placenta was fully attached and great, and the baby was just fine. The baby was actually measuring ahead!! But that does not come as a surprise to anyone. My family just makes big babies, Julia was always measuring ahead too! The baby was moving and a grooving. Waving and kicking. It was so neat to see. At first the ultrasound tech thought that the placenta might be covering my cervix some, but she switched to a different type of ultrasound and said it looked fine. Not on the cervix at all and higher than she thought.
This was such a feeling of relief!! I was so nervous because these cramps felt exactly like my second miscarriage! Good to know that the cramps are not doing anything other than scaring me. I can live with cramps as long as the baby is not effected by them.
The tech spend a long time measuring everything. She then tried to find out the gender, since we should be able to tell by now. Well I did not think we were going to be able to tell because the baby was sitting Indian style with its legs crossed and feet tucked under its butt! But she finally got the baby to move and we got the money shot!! My gut feeling had been right! We are having a BOY!!!! As soon as he finally moved to were we could see, there was very little doubt he was a boy! With Julia I just knew as soon as I was pregnant that she was a girl. This time I did not have that right away, but I had been getting a pretty strong feeling in the past couple weeks that the baby was a boy. Good to know that my instincts were right.
I was sad that Jerrod was not there to see it, but he will be at my 20 week ultrasound in a couple weeks, so he will get to see it all then!
I am so glad that I have midwives who understand my history and had no problem ordering an ultrasound just to double check that everything was okay and give me the reassurance I needed. I was really scared over this and now can calm down and relax.
We are excited to be having a boy, although we would have been just as happy with another girl. A healthy baby is our main goal! Having one of each will be neat though!
This was such a feeling of relief!! I was so nervous because these cramps felt exactly like my second miscarriage! Good to know that the cramps are not doing anything other than scaring me. I can live with cramps as long as the baby is not effected by them.
The tech spend a long time measuring everything. She then tried to find out the gender, since we should be able to tell by now. Well I did not think we were going to be able to tell because the baby was sitting Indian style with its legs crossed and feet tucked under its butt! But she finally got the baby to move and we got the money shot!! My gut feeling had been right! We are having a BOY!!!! As soon as he finally moved to were we could see, there was very little doubt he was a boy! With Julia I just knew as soon as I was pregnant that she was a girl. This time I did not have that right away, but I had been getting a pretty strong feeling in the past couple weeks that the baby was a boy. Good to know that my instincts were right.
I was sad that Jerrod was not there to see it, but he will be at my 20 week ultrasound in a couple weeks, so he will get to see it all then!
I am so glad that I have midwives who understand my history and had no problem ordering an ultrasound just to double check that everything was okay and give me the reassurance I needed. I was really scared over this and now can calm down and relax.
We are excited to be having a boy, although we would have been just as happy with another girl. A healthy baby is our main goal! Having one of each will be neat though!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Unexpected ultrasound tomorrow
Long story short, I have been having some bad cramps since yesterday. They got worse today and were actually starting to get painful. With my past history of multiple miscarriages, I was getting scared. I called the midwife on call and she had me come in to get checked out. The baby's heartbeat was nice and strong. She checked me and said she did not see any blood and my cervix was tight and closed. Not really sure the cause of the cramps, although she did not seem overly concerned about them. But since that really did not reassure me and she knows my past history, I am going to have a quick ultrasound tomorrow just to be sure everything looks fine (the ultrasound tech was already gone for the day or I would have had one right then).
So right now I am supposed to be drinking LOTS of water and staying off my feet as much as possible (which is pretty impossible with a 2 yr old!).
I'm sure everything is just fine, but it still scares me.
So right now I am supposed to be drinking LOTS of water and staying off my feet as much as possible (which is pretty impossible with a 2 yr old!).
I'm sure everything is just fine, but it still scares me.
Monday, February 9, 2009
In for trouble!
I always knew Julia was a girly-girl, with always wanting to dress up and have jewelry on. But these last couple of days have confirmed it is even worse than I thought!
I don't like to shop. I go probably twice a year. I just get frustrated with the crowds and not finding anything that works for me. But, I needed some new maternity tops and since Julia is wanting to wear dresses with pockets, so off to the mall we go. I decided to take Julia with me and give Jerrod some alone time at home. If figured I would have to shop fast with Julia along.
Nope. She LOVED shopping. We went all over the mall in many different stores and even went to Target afterward. She was great the whole time! She did not really fuss to get out of the stroller. I found several outfits for her and several maternity tops for me. When I was trying on some clothes, Julia wanted out of the stroller, so I let her out. She then saw I was changing and decided that she needed to change too. So I put one of the new dresses I just bought on her. She was so excited!
After I was done in the maternity store I put her back in the stroller and since she had been so good and she was hungry, I bought her a m&m cookie and an Icee! A lot of sugar, I know, but it was a special treat.
Here she is in her new pink dress (that she picked out) eating her treats!

It just scares me how much she enjoys shopping! She loved picking out outfits for herself.
Then this morning I was getting ready for work and Julia was in the bathroom with me. Now, I rarely wear makeup, only a few times a year. Well, Julia found the drawer the makeup was in and was using the brush to put some on. She then opened the press powder and put some on her cheeks. It was like she knew EXACTLY how to put makeup on!!
I think I am in real trouble in a few years!
I don't like to shop. I go probably twice a year. I just get frustrated with the crowds and not finding anything that works for me. But, I needed some new maternity tops and since Julia is wanting to wear dresses with pockets, so off to the mall we go. I decided to take Julia with me and give Jerrod some alone time at home. If figured I would have to shop fast with Julia along.
Nope. She LOVED shopping. We went all over the mall in many different stores and even went to Target afterward. She was great the whole time! She did not really fuss to get out of the stroller. I found several outfits for her and several maternity tops for me. When I was trying on some clothes, Julia wanted out of the stroller, so I let her out. She then saw I was changing and decided that she needed to change too. So I put one of the new dresses I just bought on her. She was so excited!
After I was done in the maternity store I put her back in the stroller and since she had been so good and she was hungry, I bought her a m&m cookie and an Icee! A lot of sugar, I know, but it was a special treat.
Here she is in her new pink dress (that she picked out) eating her treats!

It just scares me how much she enjoys shopping! She loved picking out outfits for herself.
Then this morning I was getting ready for work and Julia was in the bathroom with me. Now, I rarely wear makeup, only a few times a year. Well, Julia found the drawer the makeup was in and was using the brush to put some on. She then opened the press powder and put some on her cheeks. It was like she knew EXACTLY how to put makeup on!!
I think I am in real trouble in a few years!
Some of Julia's recent sayings
Of course Julia is still talking like crazy. It still amazes me that we can carry on full conversations now. She also repeats EVERYTHING we say. And I do mean everything! Julia has also picked up on several sayings that she now uses all the time.
Everyday when we get home, I bring Julia in the house, tell her "I'll be right back" and then get the rest of the stuff out of the van. Well, now Julia is constantly telling us "I'll be right back" and then takes off to another part of the house. Or gets in her toy car and pretends to drive away.
Since we only live a couple miles from the airport and our daycare is just a couple of blocks from the airport, we see airplanes daily. Julia likes to spot the airplanes. It used to be that she would just say "Airplane" (which actually sounds like airpane) when she saw one. Now she says "Airplane in the sky" or "Airplane go bye-bye".
Then being the little smartie she is, she will say things the way she wants us to say them. Like every night I usually rock Julia at bedtime. I will ask her if she wants "mommy to rocky you or you want to go to bed". She usually wants rocked first. Occasionally she will say "mommy rocky you", because that is what she wants ME to say!! Another example is that a couple months ago when she started eating at the table, she put her foot on the table. After nurmerous times of telling her to put it down, I finally told her "Daddy is going to kiss you if you put your foot on the table" (daddy kisses are icky, you know). Well now she thinks it is a game and when she WANTS daddy kisses, she will put her foot on the table and say "daddy kiss you".
Everyday when we get home, I bring Julia in the house, tell her "I'll be right back" and then get the rest of the stuff out of the van. Well, now Julia is constantly telling us "I'll be right back" and then takes off to another part of the house. Or gets in her toy car and pretends to drive away.
Since we only live a couple miles from the airport and our daycare is just a couple of blocks from the airport, we see airplanes daily. Julia likes to spot the airplanes. It used to be that she would just say "Airplane" (which actually sounds like airpane) when she saw one. Now she says "Airplane in the sky" or "Airplane go bye-bye".
Then being the little smartie she is, she will say things the way she wants us to say them. Like every night I usually rock Julia at bedtime. I will ask her if she wants "mommy to rocky you or you want to go to bed". She usually wants rocked first. Occasionally she will say "mommy rocky you", because that is what she wants ME to say!! Another example is that a couple months ago when she started eating at the table, she put her foot on the table. After nurmerous times of telling her to put it down, I finally told her "Daddy is going to kiss you if you put your foot on the table" (daddy kisses are icky, you know). Well now she thinks it is a game and when she WANTS daddy kisses, she will put her foot on the table and say "daddy kiss you".
Love of music
Julia really likes music. She will actually sing along to songs now. The funny part is the music she likes. Sure she likes Elmo songs and the other little kid songs, but she also sings along to; The Beatles, Pink, Green Day, the soundtrack from Juno (She LOVES this CD), and MANY more.
It is really funny to see a 2 yr old singing to Alternative Rock!!!LOL
It is really funny to see a 2 yr old singing to Alternative Rock!!!LOL
Friday, February 6, 2009
Elmo overload!!
Julia used on of those kiddie foam chairs at a cousin's house. Then at daycare I noticed that she like to lounge in their big foam chair and read. So we went off to the store this week in search of a foam chair of her very own. Of course Julia picked the Elmo chair!! She is loving it!!
Here she is, sitting in her Elmo chair, holding her Elmo doll, and watching her Elmo DVD!!!!
Here she is, sitting in her Elmo chair, holding her Elmo doll, and watching her Elmo DVD!!!!

Julia has been singing her ABC's for quite awhile now, but not completely. She would leave gaps in letters and such.
Then last night we were singing in the car and she sang the ENTIRE ABC's all by HERSELF!!! I did not help at all! And she got it entirely RIGHT!!! She even said the ending "Now I said my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me".
She is such a big girl!!
Then last night we were singing in the car and she sang the ENTIRE ABC's all by HERSELF!!! I did not help at all! And she got it entirely RIGHT!!! She even said the ending "Now I said my ABC's, next time won't you sing with me".
She is such a big girl!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Julia has recently discovered that some of her pants have pockets. She is now loving pockets. Every morning this week she had told me "Pockets, mommy". She wants to make sure I pick out an outfit with pockets in it.
This is rather hard. I prefer leggings for Julia, so that is what a lot of her pants are. They are just a better fit on her than jeans, or jeans-like pants.
She has also been asking to wear a "dress" a lot lately. I was not sure if she was asking to get dressed or if she actually wanted to wear a dress. Unfortunately for Julia, she really does not have any dresses right now. We had a fancy one for Christmas, but that is pretty much it! It is just too cold to wear dresses right now! This summer she can wear a bunch of sun dresses. They will be cute on her.
This is rather hard. I prefer leggings for Julia, so that is what a lot of her pants are. They are just a better fit on her than jeans, or jeans-like pants.
She has also been asking to wear a "dress" a lot lately. I was not sure if she was asking to get dressed or if she actually wanted to wear a dress. Unfortunately for Julia, she really does not have any dresses right now. We had a fancy one for Christmas, but that is pretty much it! It is just too cold to wear dresses right now! This summer she can wear a bunch of sun dresses. They will be cute on her.
It is funny to go in to get Julia every morning and see she has made a little nest for herself in her crib. With all the stuff she has in her crib, I am not surprised.
First she has to have Elmo and BOTH babies in the crib with her, and they EACH need their own blanket. Then Julia has her Blankie. Add to that her pillow and the quilt I use to cover her up with each night. Then take into account the couple other dolls, books, and pillows that live in the crib. That makes for a lot of stuff!!
Normally there is more than enough space for Julia to sleep in because I make sure the other stuff is in the corners. But during the night and early morning, Julia re-arranges her crib so all this "stuff" is surrounding her like a little nest. You can barely see the crib mattress when she is done!
First she has to have Elmo and BOTH babies in the crib with her, and they EACH need their own blanket. Then Julia has her Blankie. Add to that her pillow and the quilt I use to cover her up with each night. Then take into account the couple other dolls, books, and pillows that live in the crib. That makes for a lot of stuff!!
Normally there is more than enough space for Julia to sleep in because I make sure the other stuff is in the corners. But during the night and early morning, Julia re-arranges her crib so all this "stuff" is surrounding her like a little nest. You can barely see the crib mattress when she is done!
16 week appointment
I had my 16 week appointment with my midwife this morning. Everything looked great!! Found the heartbeat right away and it was beating nice and strong! I explained that my symptoms seem to be happening much sooner this time compared to being pregnant with Julia. I was in maternity clothes MUCH sooner, round ligament pain was sooner, pelvic bone pain was sooner, etc... I figured it was normal to feel all this sooner this time, my midwife confirmed it. Julia had stretched everything out already so I am going to experience the symptoms sooner. She also said that I will probably experience new symptoms I never had with Julia too. She is right on that. The morning sickness is SO MUCH WORSE this time. What I did have with Julia mainly stopped by the 2nd trimester, but this time I am still struggling with morning sickness someday. Not NEARLY as bad as it was in the 1st tri, but it still pops up often. I also have a new symptom I never had with Julia; bladder control issues. Just what you wanted to read about, huh? But I wanted to record this pregnancy and it is an issue, so there it is. I think Julia smashed my bladder too much. Now, occasionally when I sneeze, I will leak a little... Lovely, I know. That is why they make pantie liners I guess. I really hope this does not get worse as the pregnancy progresses and the baby gets bigger and smashes my bladder!
My next appointment is the BIG ultrasound where they take all the measurments to make sure the baby is growing like it should and that it has a brain, 4 chambers to it's heart, organs, etc... It is also the time were we will get to find out the gender of this baby, if it cooperates! I am getting excited. I am also looking forward to finding out the gender. With Julia I just KNEW right away that she was a girl, this time I really don't have a feeling one way or the other. That is driving me NUTS. I feel like I should have a Mother's Intuition or something on the gender. I think maybe girl, but I think that might because I am used to being pregnant with a girl. Then I think maybe a boy, but it that because Jerrod calls this baby "his son" (he would be just as thrilled with a girl)? I also am thinking maybe boy since this pregnancy is SO different then with Julia, but then "they" say, every pregnancy is different. Hopefully we will find out in a month!
My next appointment is the BIG ultrasound where they take all the measurments to make sure the baby is growing like it should and that it has a brain, 4 chambers to it's heart, organs, etc... It is also the time were we will get to find out the gender of this baby, if it cooperates! I am getting excited. I am also looking forward to finding out the gender. With Julia I just KNEW right away that she was a girl, this time I really don't have a feeling one way or the other. That is driving me NUTS. I feel like I should have a Mother's Intuition or something on the gender. I think maybe girl, but I think that might because I am used to being pregnant with a girl. Then I think maybe a boy, but it that because Jerrod calls this baby "his son" (he would be just as thrilled with a girl)? I also am thinking maybe boy since this pregnancy is SO different then with Julia, but then "they" say, every pregnancy is different. Hopefully we will find out in a month!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"Jump! JUMP!!"
I walk in to get Julia this morning and she is standing up in her crib smiling at me. She then yells "Jump! JUMP! Jump!!" as she is holding on the the side of her crib and jumping. I guess a crib mattress makes a great trampoline. LOL
I actually am happy to see this! I have been trying to get Julia to jump for quite some time now. She understand she needs to bend her knees and and then quickly straighten them, but she never gets her feet off the ground. She might get up to her tip toes, but never off the ground. This is really something she should be doing already by this age. I am not worried and try not to focus on the milestones she should be hitting. She as always lagged behind in gross motor skills (crawled late, walked late, etc..). I never worried because she has always been ahead in fine motor skills and WAY ahead in her verbal skills (she was saying sentences before her first birthday). I just figured, ahead in one area meant a lag in another area.
So I stopped even thinking about it. But I was still excited this morning to see her jumping in her bed. Partly because it is a gross motor skill she had yet to learn, but mostly because she was so happy and excited to be doing it. She thought it was so neat to be jumping on her bed! I am sure one day soon I will be yelling at her to stop jumping on her bed!!LOL
I actually am happy to see this! I have been trying to get Julia to jump for quite some time now. She understand she needs to bend her knees and and then quickly straighten them, but she never gets her feet off the ground. She might get up to her tip toes, but never off the ground. This is really something she should be doing already by this age. I am not worried and try not to focus on the milestones she should be hitting. She as always lagged behind in gross motor skills (crawled late, walked late, etc..). I never worried because she has always been ahead in fine motor skills and WAY ahead in her verbal skills (she was saying sentences before her first birthday). I just figured, ahead in one area meant a lag in another area.
So I stopped even thinking about it. But I was still excited this morning to see her jumping in her bed. Partly because it is a gross motor skill she had yet to learn, but mostly because she was so happy and excited to be doing it. She thought it was so neat to be jumping on her bed! I am sure one day soon I will be yelling at her to stop jumping on her bed!!LOL
Still up late playing!
I am not sure if I should try to stop this out not.
Julia is still staying up for hours after bedtime playing in her crib. Her bedtime is 8pm. All week it has been 9:30-10pm before she finally goes to sleep. She just sits and plays in her crib that long. She still wakes up at the same time in the morning.
I was telling daycare about this yesterday morning and she said the same thing is happening at nap times there. The Caregiver said that Julia is now the FIRST child she goes to and rubs her back until she falls asleep (Julia prefers to sleep on her tummy). Otherwise Julia doesn't go to sleep and just chatters away on her cot the entire naptime!
What a weird child. I guess I will let it go on awhile longer since she is not fussing and does not act any more tired during the day. If it starts to because a problem, then we will have to figure out what we are going to do.
Julia is still staying up for hours after bedtime playing in her crib. Her bedtime is 8pm. All week it has been 9:30-10pm before she finally goes to sleep. She just sits and plays in her crib that long. She still wakes up at the same time in the morning.
I was telling daycare about this yesterday morning and she said the same thing is happening at nap times there. The Caregiver said that Julia is now the FIRST child she goes to and rubs her back until she falls asleep (Julia prefers to sleep on her tummy). Otherwise Julia doesn't go to sleep and just chatters away on her cot the entire naptime!
What a weird child. I guess I will let it go on awhile longer since she is not fussing and does not act any more tired during the day. If it starts to because a problem, then we will have to figure out what we are going to do.
Monday, February 2, 2009
My empathic child...
Poor Julia. She has such empathy, even if it is slightly misplaced!!
Julia has this Best of Elmo DVD that she loves!! We watched it 3 times this weekend alone! Well, there is one part in the DVD where Elmo is explaining the difference between heavy and light. Elmo is holding a feather and another monster (I think it might be Cookie Monster) is carrying a load of bricks. At the end of the skit, Cookie Monster cannot hold the bricks anymore because they are just too heavy and he falls with all the bricks falling on top of him. The skit ends there. This ending upsets Julia greatly! She cries and gets upset EVERY TIME!! So is so worried that Cookie Monster got hurt. EVERY TIME it takes several minutes (and several hugs) of us telling her it is okay, Cookie Monster and Elmo are not hurt before she calms down and can watch the rest of the DVD.
I would stop playing this DVD for her because of this, but she LOVES it otherwise and is constantly asking to watch it. I think she really likes it because Julia Roberts is in one of the skits and Julia thinks it is really neat that Elmo says her name repeatedly (as he is talking to Julia Roberts). I think I need to order a few more Elmo DVD's so we can rotate them.
What a empathic soul.....
Julia has this Best of Elmo DVD that she loves!! We watched it 3 times this weekend alone! Well, there is one part in the DVD where Elmo is explaining the difference between heavy and light. Elmo is holding a feather and another monster (I think it might be Cookie Monster) is carrying a load of bricks. At the end of the skit, Cookie Monster cannot hold the bricks anymore because they are just too heavy and he falls with all the bricks falling on top of him. The skit ends there. This ending upsets Julia greatly! She cries and gets upset EVERY TIME!! So is so worried that Cookie Monster got hurt. EVERY TIME it takes several minutes (and several hugs) of us telling her it is okay, Cookie Monster and Elmo are not hurt before she calms down and can watch the rest of the DVD.
I would stop playing this DVD for her because of this, but she LOVES it otherwise and is constantly asking to watch it. I think she really likes it because Julia Roberts is in one of the skits and Julia thinks it is really neat that Elmo says her name repeatedly (as he is talking to Julia Roberts). I think I need to order a few more Elmo DVD's so we can rotate them.
What a empathic soul.....
At least she was not fussing!
Julia did not fall asleep for her nap yesterday until late. She played in her crib for over an hour. So at 4:30pm I finally woke her up because I knew she would not go to bed at regular time if she slept too late.
So bedtime comes around and she willingly goes in her room for it. So I am rocking her in the dark, per normal, except she just does not want to lay down in her crib. Every time I tell her that it is time to lay down in bed and go to sleep, she tells me "No, mommy rocky". So I rock her some more. After 20 minutes I see she is no closer to sleep than when we started and Julia is still playing around; giving kisses, re-arranging her Elmo and Blankie in my lap, playing with my hair, etc.. So I finally tell her play time it over and it is time for bed. She lets me tuck her in and I figure she will go to sleep shortly. Minutes tick by and I realize Julia is talking to herself in her crib. She is playing with her crib toys and doing pretend play with Elmo and her babies. I am just listening to it all on the baby monitor.
But she keeps going..... An hour goes by and she is still playing in her crib! Since she is not fussing or crying, I really don't want to go in her room. So I just let her play knowing it is dark in there and she will eventually fall asleep.
Finally around 10pm the talking stops and she is finally asleep!! That girl played in her crib in a dark room for 2 HOURS!!! I am amazed that she did not fuss to get up in all that time!
I thought it would be a struggle to get her up this morning, but she was up at normal time. I heard her first stir at 6:30am! I just hope she was not in a bad mood for daycare!
So bedtime comes around and she willingly goes in her room for it. So I am rocking her in the dark, per normal, except she just does not want to lay down in her crib. Every time I tell her that it is time to lay down in bed and go to sleep, she tells me "No, mommy rocky". So I rock her some more. After 20 minutes I see she is no closer to sleep than when we started and Julia is still playing around; giving kisses, re-arranging her Elmo and Blankie in my lap, playing with my hair, etc.. So I finally tell her play time it over and it is time for bed. She lets me tuck her in and I figure she will go to sleep shortly. Minutes tick by and I realize Julia is talking to herself in her crib. She is playing with her crib toys and doing pretend play with Elmo and her babies. I am just listening to it all on the baby monitor.
But she keeps going..... An hour goes by and she is still playing in her crib! Since she is not fussing or crying, I really don't want to go in her room. So I just let her play knowing it is dark in there and she will eventually fall asleep.
Finally around 10pm the talking stops and she is finally asleep!! That girl played in her crib in a dark room for 2 HOURS!!! I am amazed that she did not fuss to get up in all that time!
I thought it would be a struggle to get her up this morning, but she was up at normal time. I heard her first stir at 6:30am! I just hope she was not in a bad mood for daycare!
Felt the baby MOVE!!!
I thought I might have been feeling the baby move for the last week or so, but was not certain it was the baby and not gas/twinges/etc..
So Saturday morning Jerrod and I are laying in bed listen to Julia in her crib playing with Elmo and her baby over the baby monitor. I thought I might be feeling the baby again, so I took Jerrod's hand and placed it on my belly and asked "do you feel anything".(Actually I said "can you feel your son" since Jerrod has been calling the baby a boy from the beginning.) After a few seconds, he says "Yep, I felt that". So I was not crazy after all and I have been feeling the baby!!
THEN, later that afternoon I was sitting in the chair relaxing and I felt a hard "thump"! That was definitely a kick!! Either this kid is really strong or really big, because I was not expecting such a hard kick this early!!
This is quite exciting. It helps make this pregnancy seem much more real. I been so busy taking care of Julia, that I really have not focused much on this pregnancy. So feeling movement is a little reminder that, oh yeah, there is a baby in there!!! LOL
So Saturday morning Jerrod and I are laying in bed listen to Julia in her crib playing with Elmo and her baby over the baby monitor. I thought I might be feeling the baby again, so I took Jerrod's hand and placed it on my belly and asked "do you feel anything".(Actually I said "can you feel your son" since Jerrod has been calling the baby a boy from the beginning.) After a few seconds, he says "Yep, I felt that". So I was not crazy after all and I have been feeling the baby!!
THEN, later that afternoon I was sitting in the chair relaxing and I felt a hard "thump"! That was definitely a kick!! Either this kid is really strong or really big, because I was not expecting such a hard kick this early!!
This is quite exciting. It helps make this pregnancy seem much more real. I been so busy taking care of Julia, that I really have not focused much on this pregnancy. So feeling movement is a little reminder that, oh yeah, there is a baby in there!!! LOL
Mommy's helper?
I have a feeling Julia is going to be a BIG Mommy's helper when this new baby comes.
She has recently gotten into doll babies. She is a complete mother to them. Complete with diapering them, kissing them, wrapping them up in a blanket, putting them down for naps, etc.. We had wondered what this would mean when the baby got here. We got a taste of what is to come this weekend.
My next younger sister had a baby last week. Because of the snow, we finally got up to she her and the baby on Saturday. Julia was FASCINATED by this baby. She just wanted to hold him, hug him, kiss him, touch him, etc... Unfortunately, she is two and can be a little rough. It was so hard to she her wanting to love on the baby so much, but trying to teach her "gentle" so she would not hurt the baby.
I think I am going to have more of a helper than I ever wanted with Julia once the new baby comes. Two steps forward, one step back... Oh well, I just hope she loves her siblings as much as she liked her new cousin, Gavin.
She has recently gotten into doll babies. She is a complete mother to them. Complete with diapering them, kissing them, wrapping them up in a blanket, putting them down for naps, etc.. We had wondered what this would mean when the baby got here. We got a taste of what is to come this weekend.
My next younger sister had a baby last week. Because of the snow, we finally got up to she her and the baby on Saturday. Julia was FASCINATED by this baby. She just wanted to hold him, hug him, kiss him, touch him, etc... Unfortunately, she is two and can be a little rough. It was so hard to she her wanting to love on the baby so much, but trying to teach her "gentle" so she would not hurt the baby.
I think I am going to have more of a helper than I ever wanted with Julia once the new baby comes. Two steps forward, one step back... Oh well, I just hope she loves her siblings as much as she liked her new cousin, Gavin.
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