Julia had her follow-up appointment Friday afternoon to make sure she was better and see if we could stop the breathing treatments. Julia normally HATES the pedi. She says "I don't like it" and cries as soon as the pedi walks in the room.
But this time while waiting on the pedi, I was explaining to Julia how the dr. was going to put something on her chest so she can listen to her breathe. I explained how it does not hurt and she have no need to cry. Something must have gotten through to her, because when the pedi walked in, Julia talked to her instead of getting upset. She even let the pedi pick her up! When it came time to listen to her chest, I told Julia it was okay and it will not hurt. She seemed to accept this and let the dr. listen to her chest without so much as a wimper! Then the pedi wanted to check her ears and throat. I forget to prepare Julia for this, but once I told her it does not hurt and she does not need to cry, she was fine. Just one wimper when the pedi first started looking at her ears and that was it. The pedi got out a tongue depressor to look at her throat, but I asked Julia if she could stick out her tongue and say "awwww", and SHE DID!!! That was all the pedi needed and she did not need to use the tongue depressor!!
Julia was just a big girl for the pedi. The pedi was really impressed at how well Julia is doing. She could not believe how well she was talking and how much she was saying. Full complete sentences.
THEN... once we got home, I brought Julia in the house and I went back out to the van to get the rest of the stuff. A minute later when I came back in the house, I could not find Julia at first. When I called for her, she answered from the bathroom saying she needed a new diaper and that she peed in the potty. Julia has been pulling her pants off, taking her diaper off and sitting on the potty for a few weeks now, but nothing ever happens. So imagine my surprise when I went in there and there was actually pee in the potty!!! YEAH JULIA!!! She did it all by herself, I was outside when she did it. I highly prasied her and she got several M&M's for her success! I think she is getting closer to potty training. Normally she tells us 2 seconds before she goes in her diaper or as she is going. So this is a big step in the right direction!
My little girl is growing up to be such a BIG girl!!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Nice neighbor!!
So we had a foot of snow and ice in the driveway. It would take forever to shovel it all out. So we have been careful and just hoping that we can get our cars in and out of it.
What did I come home after work yesterday and see?
Our driveway had been COMPLETELY cleaned out!!!! I can only assume it was our neighbor, he would be the only person that we know that would do it. He owns a tractor with a front-end loader, and used it to clean out our driveway at the same time he was cleaning his!!!
It pays to be nice to your neighbors!
We used to not like this neighbor because he would let his dogs run loose and they would chase/attack Jerrod and always get in our trash. I even called animal control on him once. But then a couple of years ago, one of our trees fell in his lane and we actually met him while cleaning it up. He introduced himself and his dogs (which turned out to be nice dogs). Then this year with all the trees we lost in the hurricane, we asked him if he wanted the firewood. (He heats his house with wood.) We talked for awhile and got to know each other a bit. So we left him stacks and stacks of firewood. I guess he is just returning the favor.
It is SOOOO much easier to get in and out of the driveway now!
What did I come home after work yesterday and see?
Our driveway had been COMPLETELY cleaned out!!!! I can only assume it was our neighbor, he would be the only person that we know that would do it. He owns a tractor with a front-end loader, and used it to clean out our driveway at the same time he was cleaning his!!!
It pays to be nice to your neighbors!
We used to not like this neighbor because he would let his dogs run loose and they would chase/attack Jerrod and always get in our trash. I even called animal control on him once. But then a couple of years ago, one of our trees fell in his lane and we actually met him while cleaning it up. He introduced himself and his dogs (which turned out to be nice dogs). Then this year with all the trees we lost in the hurricane, we asked him if he wanted the firewood. (He heats his house with wood.) We talked for awhile and got to know each other a bit. So we left him stacks and stacks of firewood. I guess he is just returning the favor.
It is SOOOO much easier to get in and out of the driveway now!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Julia really confuses me sometimes. Normally she is super shy, but then she does something that completely shocks me....
Like last night, we were in Red Lobster. Julia loves looking at the live lobsters in the tank because they are "icky bugs" to her. So she is looking at the icky bugs, and telling all the customers who walked past that they were icky bugs. She was also telling them to "look at my shoes". When did she become miss social and talk to strangers? But then one of them asked her what her name was and she clammed up again. Almost like she remembered that she is shy!
Silly girl!
Like last night, we were in Red Lobster. Julia loves looking at the live lobsters in the tank because they are "icky bugs" to her. So she is looking at the icky bugs, and telling all the customers who walked past that they were icky bugs. She was also telling them to "look at my shoes". When did she become miss social and talk to strangers? But then one of them asked her what her name was and she clammed up again. Almost like she remembered that she is shy!
Silly girl!
How things have changed!
My, my, how things have changed.
When I first started taking Julia to daycare a year ago, she would cry every morning when I dropped her off. She did not want me to leave her there. It is a good daycare and she did seem to enjoy it once she got over the initial drop off. But it just tore my heart out that every morning for MONTHS she would cry for me when dropping her off.
She eventually got to the point that she was okay with me leaving her there as long as one of the caregivers was holding her.
Then it happened......
One day this week I was dropping her off and the other kids were starting an activity. I took her coat off and off she went to join in on the fun. No good-bye, not even a look back! I was left standing there waiting for my hug and kiss good-bye. The caregiver actually had to tell Julia to go tell mommy goodbye. Sniff... It is only a matter of time until she will not even want to do that.
What an independent little girl she is turning out to be!
When I first started taking Julia to daycare a year ago, she would cry every morning when I dropped her off. She did not want me to leave her there. It is a good daycare and she did seem to enjoy it once she got over the initial drop off. But it just tore my heart out that every morning for MONTHS she would cry for me when dropping her off.
She eventually got to the point that she was okay with me leaving her there as long as one of the caregivers was holding her.
Then it happened......
One day this week I was dropping her off and the other kids were starting an activity. I took her coat off and off she went to join in on the fun. No good-bye, not even a look back! I was left standing there waiting for my hug and kiss good-bye. The caregiver actually had to tell Julia to go tell mommy goodbye. Sniff... It is only a matter of time until she will not even want to do that.
What an independent little girl she is turning out to be!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow Day!!!
We are all snowed in. Both Jerrod's and I's work are closed. Before lunch we took Julia out to play in the snow.
She wanted Daddy to carry her because it was so deep it was hard for her to walk in.

She also REFUSED to keep her gloves on, she wanted to touch and eat the snow!!

Yummmm.....Snow is good!

Following in daddy's tracks makes walking in snow easier!

Jerrod showing Julia how to make snow angels.

All the snow to play in and Julia just want to swing!!

I think Daddy should have wore a hat!

Catching snowflakes on our tongue!

We only stayed out for about 20-30 minutes. It was still snowing hard out and Julia is finally feeling better and I did not want her to get sick again.
Unfortuantely, because Julia had her mittens off so much of the time, her hands started to hurt when we got back in the house. We gave her a lukewarm bath to warm them back up. We did not have any hot chocolate in the house, so we all had coffee instead!
She wanted Daddy to carry her because it was so deep it was hard for her to walk in.
She also REFUSED to keep her gloves on, she wanted to touch and eat the snow!!
Yummmm.....Snow is good!
Following in daddy's tracks makes walking in snow easier!
Jerrod showing Julia how to make snow angels.
All the snow to play in and Julia just want to swing!!
I think Daddy should have wore a hat!
Catching snowflakes on our tongue!
We only stayed out for about 20-30 minutes. It was still snowing hard out and Julia is finally feeling better and I did not want her to get sick again.
Unfortuantely, because Julia had her mittens off so much of the time, her hands started to hurt when we got back in the house. We gave her a lukewarm bath to warm them back up. We did not have any hot chocolate in the house, so we all had coffee instead!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Not obsessing
I was talking to my sister the other day, (the one that is due 10 days before me, not the one that is in labor as I type this) and we were talking how different we are when pregnant with #2 (actually #3 for her).
When pregnant with Julia, I was completely obsessed and focused on the pregnancy. Not a second went by that I was not thinking about it; would this be a viable pregnancy, what am I to expect next, what is labor like, what is going on in there, etc.. I would constantly pour over my baby development books and websites, I was constantly researching baby and pregnancy stuff.
This time, not so much. AND if I am actually feeling good, I might actually - gasp - forget I am pregnant!!! That is right!! I am so busy with Julia and stuff, that without the constant morning sickness reminder, I will occasionally forget about being pregnant!
Sure I still have a lot of the same fears and concerns, (after going through multiple miscarriages, I will always have that fear) but I am not obsessing over things. I don't pour over the development books every night. I still look at them, but mainly just when I enter a new week. I still know roughly how big the baby is (it is a lemon this week) and what it is up to. I am just not letting my life revolve around it this time.
This does not mean that this baby is any less wanted or loved, it just means that I am learning not to be an obsessive, over-protective mom.
When pregnant with Julia, I was completely obsessed and focused on the pregnancy. Not a second went by that I was not thinking about it; would this be a viable pregnancy, what am I to expect next, what is labor like, what is going on in there, etc.. I would constantly pour over my baby development books and websites, I was constantly researching baby and pregnancy stuff.
This time, not so much. AND if I am actually feeling good, I might actually - gasp - forget I am pregnant!!! That is right!! I am so busy with Julia and stuff, that without the constant morning sickness reminder, I will occasionally forget about being pregnant!
Sure I still have a lot of the same fears and concerns, (after going through multiple miscarriages, I will always have that fear) but I am not obsessing over things. I don't pour over the development books every night. I still look at them, but mainly just when I enter a new week. I still know roughly how big the baby is (it is a lemon this week) and what it is up to. I am just not letting my life revolve around it this time.
This does not mean that this baby is any less wanted or loved, it just means that I am learning not to be an obsessive, over-protective mom.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Stickers and pig-tails
Julia's hair is finally long enough and she will hold still long enough for me to put pig-tails in it. I think it is so cute!!

Julia still loves stickers. The other night she thought it would be more fun to stick them on her, instead of the stick book pages. She even put a few on me! She was loving it until it came time to take them all off. See learned stickers on bare skin can hurt coming off!!!
Julia still loves stickers. The other night she thought it would be more fun to stick them on her, instead of the stick book pages. She even put a few on me! She was loving it until it came time to take them all off. See learned stickers on bare skin can hurt coming off!!!
Baby bump
Here is the latest baby bump. It was taken on Sunday when I was 14 weeks, 2 days pregnant.

Yes that is a maternity top! I have been in maternity pants since 7 weeks. I have very few tops that will still work at this point so I started to look through the maternity tops. I will continue to wear the few regular tops that still fit as much as I can, but I am going to start add a few maternity tops into the mix.
Yes that is a maternity top! I have been in maternity pants since 7 weeks. I have very few tops that will still work at this point so I started to look through the maternity tops. I will continue to wear the few regular tops that still fit as much as I can, but I am going to start add a few maternity tops into the mix.
I used to get awful migraines all the time. But after job changes and a few life changes for the better, my migraines had seemed to almost completely disappear! It would be VERY rare for me to have one. I think I might have gotten 3 in the last 4 years.
Well I got one this week. To make matters worse, I am pregnant and cannot take anything stronger than Tylenol. Anyone who has suffered from migraines knows that Tylenol does not do ANYTHING for a migraine! It started on Thursday and finally went away on Sunday. Combine it with morning sickness and I was feeling really bad.
I am not sure what triggered the migraine. In the past it has always been stress, but I did not think I was particularly stressed. Maybe it was a combo of Julia being sick and being pregnant. I have been having quite a bit of headaches in the first trimester.
Well I got one this week. To make matters worse, I am pregnant and cannot take anything stronger than Tylenol. Anyone who has suffered from migraines knows that Tylenol does not do ANYTHING for a migraine! It started on Thursday and finally went away on Sunday. Combine it with morning sickness and I was feeling really bad.
I am not sure what triggered the migraine. In the past it has always been stress, but I did not think I was particularly stressed. Maybe it was a combo of Julia being sick and being pregnant. I have been having quite a bit of headaches in the first trimester.
Doing better
Julia is doing much better. So much so, that I started to space out her breathing treatments some. I really did want daycare to have to mess with them either.
She is hardly coughing now. She is sleeping MUCH better at night too!!
She is doing okay with the treatments. She cries and whines when she sees it coming, but we we talk to her and engage her during them, she does just fine. Julia has also held the mask to her face all by herself for the last couple of treatments. She thinks that is neat that can gets to do it by herself. Occasionally she will put the mask on Elmo for a few seconds, but I am okay with that; she still gets 99% of the treatment, which is more than she would be getting if she was still thrashing around.
The treatments continue until at least Friday when we go back to the pedi for a follow-up. Hopefully we can stop them after that.
She is hardly coughing now. She is sleeping MUCH better at night too!!
She is doing okay with the treatments. She cries and whines when she sees it coming, but we we talk to her and engage her during them, she does just fine. Julia has also held the mask to her face all by herself for the last couple of treatments. She thinks that is neat that can gets to do it by herself. Occasionally she will put the mask on Elmo for a few seconds, but I am okay with that; she still gets 99% of the treatment, which is more than she would be getting if she was still thrashing around.
The treatments continue until at least Friday when we go back to the pedi for a follow-up. Hopefully we can stop them after that.
Friday, January 23, 2009
I think it is a very good thing that men don't have babies....
Julia woke up crying last night at 1am because of her cough. After about 5 minutes I accept that she is not going to go back to sleep and go down to get her and give her a breathing treatment. After which, she wanted held for awhile. About an hour later, I finally get her back to bed and go back to bed myself. Only by this time my morning sickness is getting the better of me and I need to stay sitting up for awhile. So I turn on the bedroom TV while my tummy settles enough to the point that I can lay down without vomiting.
So this morning I was telling Jerrod about giving Julia a breathing treatment last night. He seemed a little confused. So I asked him if he even knew I had gotten up with Julia last night. He said that he did only because my turning on the TV woke him up briefly.
How this man can be completely deaf to Julia's cries is beyond me. The funny thing is that he used to be a really light sleeper and I was the deep sleeper. Now it seems like that has switched.
Julia woke up crying last night at 1am because of her cough. After about 5 minutes I accept that she is not going to go back to sleep and go down to get her and give her a breathing treatment. After which, she wanted held for awhile. About an hour later, I finally get her back to bed and go back to bed myself. Only by this time my morning sickness is getting the better of me and I need to stay sitting up for awhile. So I turn on the bedroom TV while my tummy settles enough to the point that I can lay down without vomiting.
So this morning I was telling Jerrod about giving Julia a breathing treatment last night. He seemed a little confused. So I asked him if he even knew I had gotten up with Julia last night. He said that he did only because my turning on the TV woke him up briefly.
How this man can be completely deaf to Julia's cries is beyond me. The funny thing is that he used to be a really light sleeper and I was the deep sleeper. Now it seems like that has switched.
Breathing treatments!
Julia has had a cough since Saturday. It has been getting worse and is now actually keeping her up at night. She would wake up in a coughing fit and just cry. BOTH RSV and Walking pneumonia are going around in her class at daycare. She did not have a fever and was eating and acting just fine, but since she was up most of Weds. night/Thursday morning from coughing, I thought I better take her to the dr to get checked out.
The official diagnosis is that she is wheezing. Dr did not really know what it was from. Said it could be a bit of asthma or even maybe bronchitis. I guess the wheezing is causing mucus, which is making her cough.
He put her on breathing treatments 4 times a day plus an additional treatment at night if she wakes up from coughing. I can gradually move the treatments to every 8 hours, then every 12 hours as the wheezing gets better. We go for a re-check in a week and at that time he wants me to still be doing the treatments at least twice a day. Poor little girl! Do you know how hard it is to give a 2 yr old breathing treatments?!! Luckily, she is getting better about taking them. She still cries, but at least she is not thrashing around to get away from it anymore. I literally had to put her in a bear hug and hold her head for her first treatment.
Apparently the pharmacist I saw does not have kids. I told him I was pregnant and wanted to be sure it was okay that I was breathing in this stuff too (the dr already told me it was okay, but I wanted to double check). He asked me why I would be breathing it in too. When I told him it was because I had Julia in my lap and she was fighting the treatment, so of course, I am breathing in some of this stuff too during the struggle. His reply....... "Can't you just distract her?"!!!! Sure, I can just distract her from the fact that she has to wear this mask that is blowing steamy mist and makes a lot of noise!!! I KNOW this guy does not have kids, not after a comment like that!!
Julia's cough already seems better, but I can definitely tell that she is wheezing a little before it is time for another treatment.
The official diagnosis is that she is wheezing. Dr did not really know what it was from. Said it could be a bit of asthma or even maybe bronchitis. I guess the wheezing is causing mucus, which is making her cough.
He put her on breathing treatments 4 times a day plus an additional treatment at night if she wakes up from coughing. I can gradually move the treatments to every 8 hours, then every 12 hours as the wheezing gets better. We go for a re-check in a week and at that time he wants me to still be doing the treatments at least twice a day. Poor little girl! Do you know how hard it is to give a 2 yr old breathing treatments?!! Luckily, she is getting better about taking them. She still cries, but at least she is not thrashing around to get away from it anymore. I literally had to put her in a bear hug and hold her head for her first treatment.
Apparently the pharmacist I saw does not have kids. I told him I was pregnant and wanted to be sure it was okay that I was breathing in this stuff too (the dr already told me it was okay, but I wanted to double check). He asked me why I would be breathing it in too. When I told him it was because I had Julia in my lap and she was fighting the treatment, so of course, I am breathing in some of this stuff too during the struggle. His reply....... "Can't you just distract her?"!!!! Sure, I can just distract her from the fact that she has to wear this mask that is blowing steamy mist and makes a lot of noise!!! I KNOW this guy does not have kids, not after a comment like that!!
Julia's cough already seems better, but I can definitely tell that she is wheezing a little before it is time for another treatment.
Second Trimester
I am officially in the 2nd trimester with this pregnancy. I am now 14 weeks pregnant today! Depending on who you talk to or which book you read, when you actually enter the 2nd tri changes. Some say at 12 weeks, some say at 13 weeks, and others yet say at 14 weeks. Since I am paranoid, I went with the latest number.
Now that I am in the 2nd tri, I was really hoping my morning sickness would be getting better. Alas, that is not the case. I even had to break out the Zofran again because it was getting so bad. I have spent all morning trying to keep down my morning pills and the 2 crackers I ate. I even took a Zofran this morning and I STILL feel like hurling. Lovely, right?
Speaking of pills, I feel like such a druggie with all the pills I take during this pregnancy! When not pregnant and not trying to get pregnant, I just take one multi-vitamin to help with my low iron. Now that I am pregnant, I take 6 pills at night, 3 more in the morning and occasionally add a couple of Zofran into the mix!!! Some of this pills are to help prevent another miscarriage and some are to help the baby grow smart and strong. Almost makes me jealous of the pregnant ladies who only take the one prenatal!
Now that I am in the 2nd tri, I was really hoping my morning sickness would be getting better. Alas, that is not the case. I even had to break out the Zofran again because it was getting so bad. I have spent all morning trying to keep down my morning pills and the 2 crackers I ate. I even took a Zofran this morning and I STILL feel like hurling. Lovely, right?
Speaking of pills, I feel like such a druggie with all the pills I take during this pregnancy! When not pregnant and not trying to get pregnant, I just take one multi-vitamin to help with my low iron. Now that I am pregnant, I take 6 pills at night, 3 more in the morning and occasionally add a couple of Zofran into the mix!!! Some of this pills are to help prevent another miscarriage and some are to help the baby grow smart and strong. Almost makes me jealous of the pregnant ladies who only take the one prenatal!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Remembering the historic day.
Sharing at daycare
I love the fact that Julia has to learn to share with many other kids at daycare. I also love how daycare handles it. If you put a toy down, it becomes fair game. The other day when I was dropping Julia off, they were getting ready to do a craft. Some little girl stood up from her chair to get a closer look and Julia sneaked in and sat in her chair. I told Julia "I don't think that was your chair". To which the caregiver replied "You shuffle your feet, you loose your seat" and let Julia continue to sit in that chair. I think these simple rules reduces the number of fights and crying for them.
The bad part about sharing at daycare is that they all share colds and illnesses too!! When I told the caregiver yesterday at drop off that Julia had a bad cough, she replied that 18 of her 20 kids had the same cough! When I picked Julia up, she was spraying all the toys down with a mild bleach solution. This daycare is very good about washing toys, but get that many kids together, they are bound to share colds.
Oh, another reason I love this daycare... The caregiver said if I filled out a form and brought in some chap stick, she would apply it several times a day to Julia's cracked lip that I just cannot get to heal up. She also said if I filled the same form again and brought in lotion, she would also apply it to Julia's chapped skin around her nose and mouth where is is so chapped from her runny nose, constant face wiping and cold weather. The caregivers really do care about the well being of the children they watch. They don't want to see Julia suffering any more than I do.
The bad part about sharing at daycare is that they all share colds and illnesses too!! When I told the caregiver yesterday at drop off that Julia had a bad cough, she replied that 18 of her 20 kids had the same cough! When I picked Julia up, she was spraying all the toys down with a mild bleach solution. This daycare is very good about washing toys, but get that many kids together, they are bound to share colds.
Oh, another reason I love this daycare... The caregiver said if I filled out a form and brought in some chap stick, she would apply it several times a day to Julia's cracked lip that I just cannot get to heal up. She also said if I filled the same form again and brought in lotion, she would also apply it to Julia's chapped skin around her nose and mouth where is is so chapped from her runny nose, constant face wiping and cold weather. The caregivers really do care about the well being of the children they watch. They don't want to see Julia suffering any more than I do.
She knows what she wants
Julia definitely knows what she wants.
On Saturday, we were helping Jerrod's parent's with a few things. At one point Julia, Debbie and I went to Wal-Mart while Jerrod and Jerry went to do something else.
While at Wal-Mart, we migrate to the toy department. Julia is checking out all the toys and is playing with the toys she already had at home. Then we get to the doll section. Julia has just discovered her love of doll babies. Debbie is trying to get Julia to want a baby Elmo, or a baby Abby, or any of the other cute baby dolls. Nope, Julia was not having it. So we continued on, only to have Julia walk over to the shelf and pull off a little infant carrier. She then sat it on the ground and walked back over to the self and picked out a $3 baby doll. She put the baby in the carrier, picked it up and started walking. All the cute and fancy dolls there, and she wants the ugly $3 doll! (I really think she picked that doll because it was the only one that was not in some sort of packaging.)
By that time Jerrod and Jerry were done, so we made our way to the check-out. On the way there, we passed a display of Swedish Fish. Without missing a step, Julia reaches over and grabs a bag and continues walking!! LOL She did not even slow down!!
She walked the entire way carrying the baby in the infant carrier. She in love with this thing! It even had to come into the van with us this morning, even though there was no baby in it!
On Saturday, we were helping Jerrod's parent's with a few things. At one point Julia, Debbie and I went to Wal-Mart while Jerrod and Jerry went to do something else.
While at Wal-Mart, we migrate to the toy department. Julia is checking out all the toys and is playing with the toys she already had at home. Then we get to the doll section. Julia has just discovered her love of doll babies. Debbie is trying to get Julia to want a baby Elmo, or a baby Abby, or any of the other cute baby dolls. Nope, Julia was not having it. So we continued on, only to have Julia walk over to the shelf and pull off a little infant carrier. She then sat it on the ground and walked back over to the self and picked out a $3 baby doll. She put the baby in the carrier, picked it up and started walking. All the cute and fancy dolls there, and she wants the ugly $3 doll! (I really think she picked that doll because it was the only one that was not in some sort of packaging.)
By that time Jerrod and Jerry were done, so we made our way to the check-out. On the way there, we passed a display of Swedish Fish. Without missing a step, Julia reaches over and grabs a bag and continues walking!! LOL She did not even slow down!!
She walked the entire way carrying the baby in the infant carrier. She in love with this thing! It even had to come into the van with us this morning, even though there was no baby in it!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"Blue shirt!"
Since Julia is all about "icky bugs" and likes acting like a frog, I bought her a shirt at the Newport Aquarium that had frogs on it. It was a blue shirt.
This morning Julia is still in her crib as I open her closet to pick out her outfit for the day. Immediately Julia starts shouting "Blue shirt, Blue shirt!". She had seen the shirt from across the room and wanted to wear it. I pull it out and she gets all excited saying "Julia's blue shirt". So she wore her blue shirt with frogs on it. She was quite pleased with herself.
The funny thing is that I almost did not buy the shirt because when I showed it to her in the gift shop, she did not take an interest in it. I bought it anyway thinking she will probably love it. I was right. I think she just gets so overwhelmed by new things, that me asking about the shirt was not important with everything else going on.
I really need to find more shirts/outfits with animals and bugs on them.
This morning Julia is still in her crib as I open her closet to pick out her outfit for the day. Immediately Julia starts shouting "Blue shirt, Blue shirt!". She had seen the shirt from across the room and wanted to wear it. I pull it out and she gets all excited saying "Julia's blue shirt". So she wore her blue shirt with frogs on it. She was quite pleased with herself.
The funny thing is that I almost did not buy the shirt because when I showed it to her in the gift shop, she did not take an interest in it. I bought it anyway thinking she will probably love it. I was right. I think she just gets so overwhelmed by new things, that me asking about the shirt was not important with everything else going on.
I really need to find more shirts/outfits with animals and bugs on them.
Facing forward!
We finally turned Julia's car seat this weekend. She can now see where we are going as opposed to where we had been.
Rear-facing is the safest way for young kids to ride in the car, so I purposely bought a car seat that would rear-face for a long time. Well, Julia finally outgrew the rear-facing limits and got turned around.
We really thought she would love it, but I am not sure she really does. She was mad that her feet no longer hit the seat back. She has also not attempted to try to take off her shoes and socks in this position, so it must be harder for her to do that forward-facing. But she is liking watching where we are going.
It is very odd to see her forward-facing after being rear-facing since she was born.
Rear-facing is the safest way for young kids to ride in the car, so I purposely bought a car seat that would rear-face for a long time. Well, Julia finally outgrew the rear-facing limits and got turned around.
We really thought she would love it, but I am not sure she really does. She was mad that her feet no longer hit the seat back. She has also not attempted to try to take off her shoes and socks in this position, so it must be harder for her to do that forward-facing. But she is liking watching where we are going.
It is very odd to see her forward-facing after being rear-facing since she was born.
Morning sickness is weird
First off, whoever named it Morning Sickness must have never suffered from it, because it is more like All Day Sickness. It has been much worse this time around, but it is finally starting to let up some. But this morning is proof that morning sickness is just weird.
I stopped at McDonald's for a Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel on my way to work this morning. Normally I really like this sandwich. I get my sandwich and it is tasting really good. Less than halfway through, though, my tummy decided it did not like the sandwich. It was so weird, because it was still tasting so good, but my tummy wanted to get rid of it.
This is part of the pregnancy I could do without.
I stopped at McDonald's for a Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel on my way to work this morning. Normally I really like this sandwich. I get my sandwich and it is tasting really good. Less than halfway through, though, my tummy decided it did not like the sandwich. It was so weird, because it was still tasting so good, but my tummy wanted to get rid of it.
This is part of the pregnancy I could do without.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fun day out!
This morning we went to the Newport Aquarium. It was almost a year ago since the last time we went. That time, we went early afternoon and it was PACKED and Julia fell asleep halfway through! So this time we thought we would go on a Sunday morning soon after they opened hoping to miss most of the crowd. It worked!! We just about had the place to ourselves!! We were able to just put Julia down and let her run tank to tank, where ever she wanted, at her own pace.
Julia absolutely LOVED it!!! She would run tank to tank checking everything out! I did not get many pictures because it was dark and she would only linger at a tank for a few seconds before she would see another one to go run to see. She just had a blast being able to go where she wanted at her own pace.
Her favorite parts of the Aquarium were the 360 tunnels, although the see-through floor freaked her out some, and the lorikeet birds. The loud noise of the birds first scared her when we walked into the exhibit, but she quickly adjusted. She just stared and stared at the colorful birds. When in the 360 tunnels, she would see a fish swim overhead or see the rays and would say they were flying. I guess it does kind of look like they are flying.
Here are the pictures I did get. Julia always looks very somber when she is checking out new things and learning, that is why we could not get any smiles.
Just getting started.

This is how she spent most of the visit. Looking up at all the fish in the tanks.

You were allowed to touch these sea creatures, but Julia was content to just look.

She did really like the tanks that went all the way down to her level. She especially loved this one that had huge sturgeon in it.

Here, her and daddy were watching sharks swim by. You were allowed to actually touch the sharks, but Julia just like watching them and splashing in the water. Jerrod did pull her hand out when a shark swam by.

After we went to the Aquarium, we stopped by Jerrod's sister's condo. She lives in Cincinnati right on the river, so she was really close to the Aquarium. Julia loves her Aunt Ninnie and her cat Aby.

Aunt Ninnie fed Julia chocolate covered marshmallows!

Julia just had a BLAST today!! She was such a joy to watch too. We really need to find more things like this to take her too because she really does enjoy them. She just does not do well with crowds, so we have to find times were it will not be really crowded.
One thing that TOTALLY shocked Jerrod and I both was that as we were leaving the aquarium and walking to the car Julia asked "Where the horses go?". I had to think why she would think there would be horses here then I remembered it. WAY BACK in Oct., we stopped at the levee on our way to The Smoky Mountains to have dinner with Jerrod's sister. The restaurant was right in front of the Aquarium and there were horse-drawn carriages on the street offering rides. Julia commented on the horses then, and now MONTHS later, she remembered them being there and wondered where they went!! Jerrod and I were completely shocked that she remembered that! Makes us wonder what else that brain of hers picks up and remembers.
Julia absolutely LOVED it!!! She would run tank to tank checking everything out! I did not get many pictures because it was dark and she would only linger at a tank for a few seconds before she would see another one to go run to see. She just had a blast being able to go where she wanted at her own pace.
Her favorite parts of the Aquarium were the 360 tunnels, although the see-through floor freaked her out some, and the lorikeet birds. The loud noise of the birds first scared her when we walked into the exhibit, but she quickly adjusted. She just stared and stared at the colorful birds. When in the 360 tunnels, she would see a fish swim overhead or see the rays and would say they were flying. I guess it does kind of look like they are flying.
Here are the pictures I did get. Julia always looks very somber when she is checking out new things and learning, that is why we could not get any smiles.
Just getting started.
This is how she spent most of the visit. Looking up at all the fish in the tanks.
You were allowed to touch these sea creatures, but Julia was content to just look.
She did really like the tanks that went all the way down to her level. She especially loved this one that had huge sturgeon in it.
Here, her and daddy were watching sharks swim by. You were allowed to actually touch the sharks, but Julia just like watching them and splashing in the water. Jerrod did pull her hand out when a shark swam by.
After we went to the Aquarium, we stopped by Jerrod's sister's condo. She lives in Cincinnati right on the river, so she was really close to the Aquarium. Julia loves her Aunt Ninnie and her cat Aby.
Aunt Ninnie fed Julia chocolate covered marshmallows!
Julia just had a BLAST today!! She was such a joy to watch too. We really need to find more things like this to take her too because she really does enjoy them. She just does not do well with crowds, so we have to find times were it will not be really crowded.
One thing that TOTALLY shocked Jerrod and I both was that as we were leaving the aquarium and walking to the car Julia asked "Where the horses go?". I had to think why she would think there would be horses here then I remembered it. WAY BACK in Oct., we stopped at the levee on our way to The Smoky Mountains to have dinner with Jerrod's sister. The restaurant was right in front of the Aquarium and there were horse-drawn carriages on the street offering rides. Julia commented on the horses then, and now MONTHS later, she remembered them being there and wondered where they went!! Jerrod and I were completely shocked that she remembered that! Makes us wonder what else that brain of hers picks up and remembers.
Ice and boo-boo's
Lately, Julia has been really big into her dolls getting boo-boo's and needing ice. I think this is something she sees at daycare. Kids there get an ice pack to hold on their bumps. So now she tells me that Elmo boomed and needs ice.
Then yesterday she fell while clomping around in her play dress-up shoes. She did not fall too hard, but did bump her head on the floor slightly. She was crying and said that she boomed. I asked if she wanted some ice for her boo-boo. (She has never let me hold ice to any injury before.) She replied that she did need some ice. So I got out the bear-shaped ice pack I had bought quite a while ago. She actually held the ice pack to her head! After a few minutes she was fine and holding the ice pack to all of her dolls, since they somehow had all kinds of boo-boos. I think she played with the ice pack the rest of the night!
Then yesterday she fell while clomping around in her play dress-up shoes. She did not fall too hard, but did bump her head on the floor slightly. She was crying and said that she boomed. I asked if she wanted some ice for her boo-boo. (She has never let me hold ice to any injury before.) She replied that she did need some ice. So I got out the bear-shaped ice pack I had bought quite a while ago. She actually held the ice pack to her head! After a few minutes she was fine and holding the ice pack to all of her dolls, since they somehow had all kinds of boo-boos. I think she played with the ice pack the rest of the night!
Friday, January 16, 2009
New addition coming soon!!!
That's right folks, there will be a new addition in our house this summer. I am pregnant!! Julia is going to have to share the spotlight and will become a big sister!
I wanted to wait a little longer before telling people, but my belly was starting to tell for me! I finally told work today, so now it is safe to tell everyone. We told family not long ago.
Jerrod and I are quite excited about it. I am on the same meds I was on for Julia and apparently they did the trick again, because this kid has a strong heartbeat and did not end in miscarriage! How amazing is it that I went from thinking I would never be able to have kids to now being pregnant with my second!!???!! I love modern medicine!
I am 13 weeks today and according to the development info, the baby is the size of a peach!
Due date is July 24th (my dad's birthday), but I figure it will probably be the first week of August before this baby is born. Morning sickness has been much worse this time around. I actually had to get a prescription to help with it because I was getting so dehydrated from the inability to keep anything down occasionally. But luckily, the morning sickness is starting to ease up. My belly has also POPPED much earlier this time!! I was bigger at 9 weeks with pregnancy than I was at 20+ weeks with Julia. I have been in maternity pants since 7 weeks! I only have a few tops that still fit, so I will probably be digging out my maternity tops soon. I did have them double check for twins because of getting so big so fast, but they assure me there is only one in there. And no, it is not weight gain, I have actually LOST 12+ pounds since becoming pregnant.
I will be posting regular updates about #2.
I wanted to wait a little longer before telling people, but my belly was starting to tell for me! I finally told work today, so now it is safe to tell everyone. We told family not long ago.
Jerrod and I are quite excited about it. I am on the same meds I was on for Julia and apparently they did the trick again, because this kid has a strong heartbeat and did not end in miscarriage! How amazing is it that I went from thinking I would never be able to have kids to now being pregnant with my second!!???!! I love modern medicine!
I am 13 weeks today and according to the development info, the baby is the size of a peach!
Due date is July 24th (my dad's birthday), but I figure it will probably be the first week of August before this baby is born. Morning sickness has been much worse this time around. I actually had to get a prescription to help with it because I was getting so dehydrated from the inability to keep anything down occasionally. But luckily, the morning sickness is starting to ease up. My belly has also POPPED much earlier this time!! I was bigger at 9 weeks with pregnancy than I was at 20+ weeks with Julia. I have been in maternity pants since 7 weeks! I only have a few tops that still fit, so I will probably be digging out my maternity tops soon. I did have them double check for twins because of getting so big so fast, but they assure me there is only one in there. And no, it is not weight gain, I have actually LOST 12+ pounds since becoming pregnant.
I will be posting regular updates about #2.
Hot feet!
Julia always has hot feet. I cannot get her to keep her shoes and socks on!! Without fail, if I put her in her car seat, her shoes and socks will be off before we get to our destination. It is really annoying to strap her in, drive the 10 minutes to daycare, only to have to put her shoes and socks on before we can go inside.
The other day I opened the van door to discover she had taken off her shoes and socks and placed the socks over her hands like mittens. LOL Every time hear her taking off her shoes and I tell her to leave them on, she tells me, "no, hot!". The past couple of days it has been so cold, I have been trying to get her to keep her socks on, but when I tell her to keep them on, she just tells me "no, hot feet". Jerrod says his feet are always hot too, so I guess that is where she gets it.
I think I am going to try to find some slippers for her, maybe she would keep those on!
The other day I opened the van door to discover she had taken off her shoes and socks and placed the socks over her hands like mittens. LOL Every time hear her taking off her shoes and I tell her to leave them on, she tells me, "no, hot!". The past couple of days it has been so cold, I have been trying to get her to keep her socks on, but when I tell her to keep them on, she just tells me "no, hot feet". Jerrod says his feet are always hot too, so I guess that is where she gets it.
I think I am going to try to find some slippers for her, maybe she would keep those on!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Must be sick
Soup and chopsticks
I meant to post this months ago, but got busy and forgot.
One day we all went to a Chinese buffet. Jerrod and I always eat with chopsticks when eating Chinese. Well, this time Julia decided that if we were going to eat with chopsticks, she was too!! I am amazed at just how good she is with them. She can get a good amount of food into her using them!
During this same trip to the Chinese buffet, I had gotten some soup, but only eat about half of it. Julia said she wanted some. I did not think she could eat soup yet. When we have soup at home, I drain most of the broth off for her. I figured she would be wearing most of it, but the only way to learn is by doing, so I let her have at it. I was completely shocked to see that she did wonderfully with the soup. Hardly spilled any of it. I should never have doubted her abilities. She constantly amazes me. She even knew that she had to lean over the bowl to help prevent spilling it.
So now she has been eating with chopsticks and eat soup for months. She is an old pro at it.
One day we all went to a Chinese buffet. Jerrod and I always eat with chopsticks when eating Chinese. Well, this time Julia decided that if we were going to eat with chopsticks, she was too!! I am amazed at just how good she is with them. She can get a good amount of food into her using them!
During this same trip to the Chinese buffet, I had gotten some soup, but only eat about half of it. Julia said she wanted some. I did not think she could eat soup yet. When we have soup at home, I drain most of the broth off for her. I figured she would be wearing most of it, but the only way to learn is by doing, so I let her have at it. I was completely shocked to see that she did wonderfully with the soup. Hardly spilled any of it. I should never have doubted her abilities. She constantly amazes me. She even knew that she had to lean over the bowl to help prevent spilling it.
So now she has been eating with chopsticks and eat soup for months. She is an old pro at it.
"Julia go to work"
This morning when I was getting Julia up, she told me "No, Julia night-night", and laid back down and covered up. I think she takes after her mother and does not like to get out of bed.
So I told her she had to get up so she could go see Brooke and Ayla (her buddies at daycare). Julia then tells me "No, Bapa's". She did not want to go to daycare, she wanted to go to Bapa's. I explain to her that Bapa is at work and so she cannot go there. This is the conversation we had:
Julia - "Bapa at work?"
Me - "Yes sweetie, Bapa is at work."
Julia - "Bapa work"
Me - "Yep, that is right. Bapa is at work"
Julia "Mimi?"
Me - "Yes, Mimi is at work too."
Julia - "Daddy at work."
Me - That is right, Daddy is at work too."
She accepts this and lets me get her out of the crib and she gets dressed.
Then on the way to daycare Julia says "Julia go to work!". I guess she figured everyone else was at work, that she should go there too!!! LOL
So I told her she had to get up so she could go see Brooke and Ayla (her buddies at daycare). Julia then tells me "No, Bapa's". She did not want to go to daycare, she wanted to go to Bapa's. I explain to her that Bapa is at work and so she cannot go there. This is the conversation we had:
Julia - "Bapa at work?"
Me - "Yes sweetie, Bapa is at work."
Julia - "Bapa work"
Me - "Yep, that is right. Bapa is at work"
Julia "Mimi?"
Me - "Yes, Mimi is at work too."
Julia - "Daddy at work."
Me - That is right, Daddy is at work too."
She accepts this and lets me get her out of the crib and she gets dressed.
Then on the way to daycare Julia says "Julia go to work!". I guess she figured everyone else was at work, that she should go there too!!! LOL
Monday, January 12, 2009
Moo Cows and sunglasses
I had to take Julia to the dr.'s with me on Tuesday morning. So then she had to go to the grocery store with me so I could get my prescription filled. Since it was going to take about 20 minutes and the store was pretty empty, I just let her run around the store where she wanted to go (with me following right behind, of course). She thought it was really neat that she did not have to ride in a cart and SHE got to decide where to go next. She had a lot of fun.
She walked over to the Christmas clearance and they had a bunch of Elmo Live dolls. Julia had to make sure everyone worked (she got an Elmo Live for Christmas, so she knew how they worked).
At one point she ended up in the dairy section and suddenly realized that there is a huge mural of cows in a pasture above the dairy cases. How she never noticed this before is beyond me. But she was just memorized by this mural. She would just stand there, looking up at it saying "Moo cows, mommy, moo cows!". She would go down another aisle, but would come right back to look at the moo cows. That mural just fascinated her. I think maybe because it was just so big.
We walked back to the pharmacy since it was about time to pick up my prescription. On the way there, Julia found a rack of kid sunglasses. Julia LOVES sunglasses. She wears them all the time around the house! Since she was so good at the dr. office and waiting for the prescription, I let her pick out a pair. I did steer her to the ones with rose colored lens, since it is easier for her to see out of those in the house.
I think Julia had a great morning hanging out with mommy. She got to run around a store and got a new pair of sunglasses!! She got to daycare just in time for lunch too!! She did get upset that the sunglasses had to stay in the van though....
She walked over to the Christmas clearance and they had a bunch of Elmo Live dolls. Julia had to make sure everyone worked (she got an Elmo Live for Christmas, so she knew how they worked).
At one point she ended up in the dairy section and suddenly realized that there is a huge mural of cows in a pasture above the dairy cases. How she never noticed this before is beyond me. But she was just memorized by this mural. She would just stand there, looking up at it saying "Moo cows, mommy, moo cows!". She would go down another aisle, but would come right back to look at the moo cows. That mural just fascinated her. I think maybe because it was just so big.
We walked back to the pharmacy since it was about time to pick up my prescription. On the way there, Julia found a rack of kid sunglasses. Julia LOVES sunglasses. She wears them all the time around the house! Since she was so good at the dr. office and waiting for the prescription, I let her pick out a pair. I did steer her to the ones with rose colored lens, since it is easier for her to see out of those in the house.
I think Julia had a great morning hanging out with mommy. She got to run around a store and got a new pair of sunglasses!! She got to daycare just in time for lunch too!! She did get upset that the sunglasses had to stay in the van though....
Ice Cream
Julia is definitely her mother's daughter when it comes to her love of ice cream! I think it is just an Ernst trait.
Lately, we have been letting Julia get ice cream for dessert of she eats her supper fairly well. She does not have to clean her plate, but she needs to at least make an effort at eating it.
Well, when I went grocery shopping Sunday, I found these little individual servings of ice cream that are the perfect size for Julia! They contain probably about 1/2 cup of ice cream. This way I don't have to worry about scooping, or asking for more when the bowl is empty. Once the carton is gone, she is done! The price on them was not too bad either!
Lately, we have been letting Julia get ice cream for dessert of she eats her supper fairly well. She does not have to clean her plate, but she needs to at least make an effort at eating it.
Well, when I went grocery shopping Sunday, I found these little individual servings of ice cream that are the perfect size for Julia! They contain probably about 1/2 cup of ice cream. This way I don't have to worry about scooping, or asking for more when the bowl is empty. Once the carton is gone, she is done! The price on them was not too bad either!
New car seat law in Ohio
The old car seat law in Ohio was that a child had to be in a car seat until they were 4 AND 40lbs. The Governor just signed a new law that children will need to stay in a booster in until their 9th birthday or until they grow more than 4 feet 9 inches tall.
"Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland has signed a bill into law that requires all Ohio children to be strapped into a booster seat.The bill states that once a child turns 4-years-old they must be strapped into a booster seat, which is designed to keep a lap belt from causing internal injuries during a crash.Under Ohio law, children will need to keep buckling in until their ninth birthday or until they grow more than 4 feet 9 inches tall."
I, for one, applaud this new law!!! I am not sure how it will work with school buses and such, but I think it is great that Ohio is taking the extra effort to keep kids safe. I am sure it will be a hassle for some parents, especially having to buy a booster seat, but I hope it does not get too much flack.
(This coming from a mother who still rear-facing her 2 yr old in a expensive car seat especially made for extended rear-facing.)
"Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland has signed a bill into law that requires all Ohio children to be strapped into a booster seat.The bill states that once a child turns 4-years-old they must be strapped into a booster seat, which is designed to keep a lap belt from causing internal injuries during a crash.Under Ohio law, children will need to keep buckling in until their ninth birthday or until they grow more than 4 feet 9 inches tall."
I, for one, applaud this new law!!! I am not sure how it will work with school buses and such, but I think it is great that Ohio is taking the extra effort to keep kids safe. I am sure it will be a hassle for some parents, especially having to buy a booster seat, but I hope it does not get too much flack.
(This coming from a mother who still rear-facing her 2 yr old in a expensive car seat especially made for extended rear-facing.)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Just need a car up on blocks....
.... and we really could have looked like hillbillies!!
We got a new tub and surround for Christmas. Jerrod and his dad were both off last week, so they worked on installing it. Our old tub was one of those old cast iron types. Very heavy. They got it as far as just out the front door. They then realized they would need the truck to haul it away in. The truck was busy for several days, so for several days we were hillbillies and lived with a bathtub in our front yard!!
The new tub is in (some finish work still needs done), and we are LOVING it!!! It is so much nicer than our old one.

We got a new tub and surround for Christmas. Jerrod and his dad were both off last week, so they worked on installing it. Our old tub was one of those old cast iron types. Very heavy. They got it as far as just out the front door. They then realized they would need the truck to haul it away in. The truck was busy for several days, so for several days we were hillbillies and lived with a bathtub in our front yard!!
The new tub is in (some finish work still needs done), and we are LOVING it!!! It is so much nicer than our old one.
Where she learn that?
I must say, I might have been really hesitant to put Julia into a daycare, but it had been the best thing for her. Both socially and mentally. I am just amazed at some of the things she learns at daycare.
For Christmas Julia got foam animals with letters in the middle that stick to the bathtub when wet. I have worked with Julia on animal sounds for quite awhile, but apparently daycare has taught her even more. Last night in the tub while playing with these animals, Jerrod what asking her what each one said. When asked what an elephant says, she knows and uses her arm as a trunk while she is making the noise. She also knew a frog said "ribbit, ribbit", an animal I have never worked with her on before.
Then after her bath, I asked her again what a frog said. She proceeded to hop around the room on all fours like a frog, all the while saying "ribbit, ribbit". It was so funny and cute.
It does make me wonder just what kind of games they play at daycare. I don't think even I could do as good of a job teaching Julia as this daycare seems to do.
For Christmas Julia got foam animals with letters in the middle that stick to the bathtub when wet. I have worked with Julia on animal sounds for quite awhile, but apparently daycare has taught her even more. Last night in the tub while playing with these animals, Jerrod what asking her what each one said. When asked what an elephant says, she knows and uses her arm as a trunk while she is making the noise. She also knew a frog said "ribbit, ribbit", an animal I have never worked with her on before.
Then after her bath, I asked her again what a frog said. She proceeded to hop around the room on all fours like a frog, all the while saying "ribbit, ribbit". It was so funny and cute.
It does make me wonder just what kind of games they play at daycare. I don't think even I could do as good of a job teaching Julia as this daycare seems to do.
"Elmo puked"
This weekend when Julia had the flu, we used a small tupperware container as the "puke bucket". We must have left it out on the end table.
On Monday night, I hear Julia saying "Elmo puked, Elmo puked". I look over to see that she has Elmo's head in the puke bucket. I guess Elmo got sick too. I told her to go tell daddy that Elmo puked. She walks in the other room where Jerrod was and does the same thing. She then takes Elmo's head out of the container, looks in it, and proceeds to SPIT in it and says "Julia puked"!!! LOL!!!!
On Monday night, I hear Julia saying "Elmo puked, Elmo puked". I look over to see that she has Elmo's head in the puke bucket. I guess Elmo got sick too. I told her to go tell daddy that Elmo puked. She walks in the other room where Jerrod was and does the same thing. She then takes Elmo's head out of the container, looks in it, and proceeds to SPIT in it and says "Julia puked"!!! LOL!!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sickness has been running through our house. Jerrod was sick at Christmas time with a bad cold and sore throat.
Then Julia woke up about 11pm Friday night crying. Went in to check on her and she had vomited. She ended up with several baths that night, her crib was stripped so many times that I ran out of clean sheets to put on it. We were up a good chunk of the night. As soon as we thought she was feeling better and put her back to bed, she would vomit again. Jerrod was in charge of cleaning Julia up and I was in charge of cleaning everything else and keeping the laundry going. Poor Julia; her Blankie, Elmo, baby, etc.. all ended up in the wash and she had to make due with just a receiving blanket. Luckily, she understood that they got "puked" on and needed washed. By Saturday night she was getting dehydrated, but still could not keep anything down. Luckily, by Sunday evening, she was doing better and was keeping down the water we were giving her. By Monday morning she was good as new.
Then I started feeling bad on Saturday. Mine was mainly sore throat and achy all over. But it hurt to eat or drink and it would only upset my tummy, so I was starting to get pretty dehydrated too. I finally went to the dr. today to make sure it was not strep throat again. Nope, just a bad virus. They did give me something to settle my stomach so I can drink plenty of fluids again.
Then Julia woke up about 11pm Friday night crying. Went in to check on her and she had vomited. She ended up with several baths that night, her crib was stripped so many times that I ran out of clean sheets to put on it. We were up a good chunk of the night. As soon as we thought she was feeling better and put her back to bed, she would vomit again. Jerrod was in charge of cleaning Julia up and I was in charge of cleaning everything else and keeping the laundry going. Poor Julia; her Blankie, Elmo, baby, etc.. all ended up in the wash and she had to make due with just a receiving blanket. Luckily, she understood that they got "puked" on and needed washed. By Saturday night she was getting dehydrated, but still could not keep anything down. Luckily, by Sunday evening, she was doing better and was keeping down the water we were giving her. By Monday morning she was good as new.
Then I started feeling bad on Saturday. Mine was mainly sore throat and achy all over. But it hurt to eat or drink and it would only upset my tummy, so I was starting to get pretty dehydrated too. I finally went to the dr. today to make sure it was not strep throat again. Nope, just a bad virus. They did give me something to settle my stomach so I can drink plenty of fluids again.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Eating at the table
Ever since Jerrod and I have been married, we have never really ate at our kitchen table. We eat on the couch in front of the TV (bad habit, I know). When Julia got old enough to start eating meals with us, I expressed that I thought we should really start eating at the table as a family. Jerrod did not really see the point and was happy with the way we were doing to. I still thought we should eat at the table, but did not push it for now. So Julia's highchair lived in the living room.
Well, right before Christmas we got a new (used) kitchen table. It was a LOT nicer than the old one we had. I also had a booster seat laying around the house, since I take to to family events so Julia has somewhere to sit at family dinners.
For Christmas morning breakfast, I just put Julia in the booster seat at the table since the highchair takes up so much room. She LOVED it!
Now she REFUSES to sit in her highchair and insist on all of us eating at the table for meals! Jerrod has no problem sitting at the table for meals now. I guess it just took the right person asking him!!
I even bought a placemat for Julia's spot. Meals are messier now, since there is not a highchair tray to catch all of the mess. But Julia loves it and she loves having us all eat together at the table. I also love the fact that we are eating as a family at the table. I just cannot bring myself to put the highchair away yet!
Well, right before Christmas we got a new (used) kitchen table. It was a LOT nicer than the old one we had. I also had a booster seat laying around the house, since I take to to family events so Julia has somewhere to sit at family dinners.
For Christmas morning breakfast, I just put Julia in the booster seat at the table since the highchair takes up so much room. She LOVED it!
Now she REFUSES to sit in her highchair and insist on all of us eating at the table for meals! Jerrod has no problem sitting at the table for meals now. I guess it just took the right person asking him!!
I even bought a placemat for Julia's spot. Meals are messier now, since there is not a highchair tray to catch all of the mess. But Julia loves it and she loves having us all eat together at the table. I also love the fact that we are eating as a family at the table. I just cannot bring myself to put the highchair away yet!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
"I don't like it"
"I don't like it" has become Julia's newest favorite saying. I am glad she is able to express her wants, but it can be a bit embarrassing for us, her parents.
It was especially embarrassing on Christmas at my parent's house. Almost every present she opened, she immediately said "I don't like it" after taking on look at it! Jerrod and I were so embarrassed! We try to teach her to be polite and say thank you, but all she would say is "I don't like it". Sigh...
Luckily, my family thought it was hilarious and laughed every time.
It was especially embarrassing on Christmas at my parent's house. Almost every present she opened, she immediately said "I don't like it" after taking on look at it! Jerrod and I were so embarrassed! We try to teach her to be polite and say thank you, but all she would say is "I don't like it". Sigh...
Luckily, my family thought it was hilarious and laughed every time.
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