Jerrod picked Julia up from daycare yesterday and her daily sheet said she actually peed in the potty today!!! This is the first time EVER!
We have not really pushed potty training yet. We sit her on the toilet occasionally, just to get her used to the idea. We might just start working on it a little more now.
I am quite excited about this!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Rashy feet
Late Monday afternoon, soon after we got home from daycare, I noticed that Julia was walking kind of funny and that her one foot was bothering her. I asked her if her shoe hurt and she said yes, so I took it off. Found that she had a piece of wood mulch (from playing outside at daycare), stuck in her shoe. I noticed that her foot was a little red and irritated where the mulch was, but figured it would go way.
Yesterday evening Julia took her shoes off and I noticed Julia now had a rash on the bottoms of both of her feet. Thought it was a little odd, but Julia has always had sensitive skin and occasionally gets rashes. So I did not think too much of it, but made a mental note to keep an eye on it.
Well, this morning morning when I got her dressed the rash was much worse. The bottoms of her feet are covered in a red, bumpy rash. Luckily, it does not seem to bother Julia at all. I remembered that Stacey, my littlest sister, had something very similar when she was about Julia's age and it was determined that her feet were sweating so much that it was causing her feet to brake out. Mom cut all the feet off of her pj's and the problem slowly got better.
This makes complete sense! Jerrod has eczema and is also allergic to his own sweat. Julia has been wearing her Crocs a lot and they really make her feet sweat!! AND all of her new pj's (had to move to 24 month size about a month ago) are footed pj's. Her 18 month ones did not have feet in them. So combine the sweaty feet from the shoes with footed pj's that don't allow any airflow around her feet, presto, you get eczema on Julia's feet.
So today Julia went to daycare in socks and tennis shoes (which just barely fit!). Tonight I am going to have her sleep in just a onesie. I will then look to see if there is any improvement. I am also going to let Julia run around barefoot as much as possible, but we already do that a lot. Normally if Julia is in the house, her shoes are off. She takes after her daddy that way!
Yesterday evening Julia took her shoes off and I noticed Julia now had a rash on the bottoms of both of her feet. Thought it was a little odd, but Julia has always had sensitive skin and occasionally gets rashes. So I did not think too much of it, but made a mental note to keep an eye on it.
Well, this morning morning when I got her dressed the rash was much worse. The bottoms of her feet are covered in a red, bumpy rash. Luckily, it does not seem to bother Julia at all. I remembered that Stacey, my littlest sister, had something very similar when she was about Julia's age and it was determined that her feet were sweating so much that it was causing her feet to brake out. Mom cut all the feet off of her pj's and the problem slowly got better.
This makes complete sense! Jerrod has eczema and is also allergic to his own sweat. Julia has been wearing her Crocs a lot and they really make her feet sweat!! AND all of her new pj's (had to move to 24 month size about a month ago) are footed pj's. Her 18 month ones did not have feet in them. So combine the sweaty feet from the shoes with footed pj's that don't allow any airflow around her feet, presto, you get eczema on Julia's feet.
So today Julia went to daycare in socks and tennis shoes (which just barely fit!). Tonight I am going to have her sleep in just a onesie. I will then look to see if there is any improvement. I am also going to let Julia run around barefoot as much as possible, but we already do that a lot. Normally if Julia is in the house, her shoes are off. She takes after her daddy that way!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Went to the fair
Last week Julia and I went to the fair last week to watch my youngest sister show her pigs. I took the whole afternoon off so we got to the fair with plenty of time to look around before the show started. Julia really had fun, except she did NOT want to stay still for the show. I got to see the classes she was in, but the rest of the time, we had to be moving/doing something else. Julia also wanted to just walk around herself. This is not something mommy would allow without CLOSE supervision, considering all the traffic (human and auto). We did find a nice big patch of grass between the pig barn and the campers that I let her run around in.
I was pleasantly surprised that Julia was not scared of the animals!!! I figured they would terrify her. We even walked through the pig barn once and she did not even flinch when one or two of the pigs walked right by her (she was in her stroller, so right at eye level with the pig). This is definitely not the same kid she was several months ago, when ANYTHING new or different would terrify her. Including the pigs and cows at my parents house. We could not get any closer to the gate (where the cows and pigs were) than 20 feet or she would start screaming bloody murder.
We also walked through Babyland (baby animals). We saw baby chicks, ducks, puppies, calf, colt, bunnies, and Julia's favorite "KITTIES"!!! We went through what each animal says, so can can associate a real cow with "moooo", etc... She knows what each animals says, but does not know what the actually animal looks like (except for kitty and doggie). None of the animals fazed her one bit. I even pushed it and took her to see a fully grown cow. We stayed 5 feet away and she was fine and very interested.
I work in a different county and it's fair is in two weeks. Since I will be spending a good chunk of fair week at the fair, I think I will be bringing Julia with me several times since she seems to enjoy it so much.
I was pleasantly surprised that Julia was not scared of the animals!!! I figured they would terrify her. We even walked through the pig barn once and she did not even flinch when one or two of the pigs walked right by her (she was in her stroller, so right at eye level with the pig). This is definitely not the same kid she was several months ago, when ANYTHING new or different would terrify her. Including the pigs and cows at my parents house. We could not get any closer to the gate (where the cows and pigs were) than 20 feet or she would start screaming bloody murder.
We also walked through Babyland (baby animals). We saw baby chicks, ducks, puppies, calf, colt, bunnies, and Julia's favorite "KITTIES"!!! We went through what each animal says, so can can associate a real cow with "moooo", etc... She knows what each animals says, but does not know what the actually animal looks like (except for kitty and doggie). None of the animals fazed her one bit. I even pushed it and took her to see a fully grown cow. We stayed 5 feet away and she was fine and very interested.
I work in a different county and it's fair is in two weeks. Since I will be spending a good chunk of fair week at the fair, I think I will be bringing Julia with me several times since she seems to enjoy it so much.
Teeth Brushing
Julia now has quite a few teeth. So I decided a few months ago it was time to start brushing them.
I went and bought the cutesy little toothbrush and the special kids toothpaste. I was all prepared for this to be a fun thing. Julia wanted nothing to do with it! She clamped her mouth shut and refused to allow me to brush them. Then she started getting her molars, so I just gave up on it for awhile.
In the mean time Julia really started to take an interest in me brushing my teeth. She loved to watch me do it.
Her molars finally all came through, so about a month ago I decided it was time to try the teeth brushing again. This time she LOVED it!! She liked to suck off the flavored toothpaste. But she also really let me get in there and brush her teeth. I also try to let her do it herself for a little bit each night. Now anytime she sees a toothbrush, she wants it! She will walk around for a long time just chewing, sucking, brushing, etc. with the toothbrush.
Last night she wanted to be a big girl and stood on the stool in front of the sink to brushed her teeth. I left the water trickling so every few seconds Julia would stick her toothbrush under the water. After about 15 MINUTES of this, I decided teeth brushing time was over. This made her mad. Apparently she was not done....
I know a LOT of parents really struggle to get their kids to brush their teeth, and after our first attempts, I thought that was also our fate. I am really glad that it not a struggle after all. I know she could change her mind, and decide teeth brushing is no longer fun, but for now, I am enjoying the ease of it.
I am just not looking forward to her first dentist trip. I have been putting off making the appointment because I know what a struggle it will be.
I went and bought the cutesy little toothbrush and the special kids toothpaste. I was all prepared for this to be a fun thing. Julia wanted nothing to do with it! She clamped her mouth shut and refused to allow me to brush them. Then she started getting her molars, so I just gave up on it for awhile.
In the mean time Julia really started to take an interest in me brushing my teeth. She loved to watch me do it.
Her molars finally all came through, so about a month ago I decided it was time to try the teeth brushing again. This time she LOVED it!! She liked to suck off the flavored toothpaste. But she also really let me get in there and brush her teeth. I also try to let her do it herself for a little bit each night. Now anytime she sees a toothbrush, she wants it! She will walk around for a long time just chewing, sucking, brushing, etc. with the toothbrush.
Last night she wanted to be a big girl and stood on the stool in front of the sink to brushed her teeth. I left the water trickling so every few seconds Julia would stick her toothbrush under the water. After about 15 MINUTES of this, I decided teeth brushing time was over. This made her mad. Apparently she was not done....
I know a LOT of parents really struggle to get their kids to brush their teeth, and after our first attempts, I thought that was also our fate. I am really glad that it not a struggle after all. I know she could change her mind, and decide teeth brushing is no longer fun, but for now, I am enjoying the ease of it.
I am just not looking forward to her first dentist trip. I have been putting off making the appointment because I know what a struggle it will be.
Monday, July 28, 2008
She beats mommy up...
Some days I feel like I have gone a couple rounds in a boxing match...
Last night is a great example. It was time for bed. Get Julia all ready and sit in the rocking chair in her darkening room (I usually still rocker for for a few minutes before bed). She knows she is supposed to be relaxing and trying to go to sleep, but she just cannot help it, she wants to play with mommy. So she is constantly lifting her head off my shoulder and chest. I will tell her to lay her head back down, and she will flop her head down HARD. She thinks it is funny to flop it down that hard. Then she wants to show me where my eyes are. Luckily I close my eye in time to prevent it from being poked, but her fingernails need cut and I end up with a scratch on my eyelid. Next she wants to play with my hair. She LOVES playing with my hair. For some reason she loves to pull it over my face so it covers my eyes. BUT she is getting too rough with this game and usually ends up pulling my hair WAY to hair, so I have to stop the game and not allow anymore hair playing. By now, WAY too much playing is going on and not enough relaxing/sleeping is going on. So I tell her again, that it is not play time, it is night-night time and she needs to lay her head down. Before I even can finish the sentence, she flops her head back down, but this time she is sitting higher up and the top of her head connects right with my mouth. I thought for sure she busted my lip open. Now I am in pain! So before I start to get frustrated, I decide it is time for her to go in her crib. I cover her in kisses, tell her I love her, and lay her in her crib for the night. I then leave her room feeling like I just stepped out of the boxing ring.
I have a feeling these nightly rockings before bed are going to be slowly phased out. She does not seem to care about them one way or the other. They OBVIOUSLY don't help her calm down before bed.
Most of the "beatings" are accidental. Julia is just getting bigger and stronger and does not realize what can hurt someone. Occasionally, especially when she is mad she will purposely try to hurt me (or others), but that results in a time out and a lecture on why we don't hurt people. Right now she is big into pinching, and of course she is still bitting! Grrrr.... We are working on it...
Last night is a great example. It was time for bed. Get Julia all ready and sit in the rocking chair in her darkening room (I usually still rocker for for a few minutes before bed). She knows she is supposed to be relaxing and trying to go to sleep, but she just cannot help it, she wants to play with mommy. So she is constantly lifting her head off my shoulder and chest. I will tell her to lay her head back down, and she will flop her head down HARD. She thinks it is funny to flop it down that hard. Then she wants to show me where my eyes are. Luckily I close my eye in time to prevent it from being poked, but her fingernails need cut and I end up with a scratch on my eyelid. Next she wants to play with my hair. She LOVES playing with my hair. For some reason she loves to pull it over my face so it covers my eyes. BUT she is getting too rough with this game and usually ends up pulling my hair WAY to hair, so I have to stop the game and not allow anymore hair playing. By now, WAY too much playing is going on and not enough relaxing/sleeping is going on. So I tell her again, that it is not play time, it is night-night time and she needs to lay her head down. Before I even can finish the sentence, she flops her head back down, but this time she is sitting higher up and the top of her head connects right with my mouth. I thought for sure she busted my lip open. Now I am in pain! So before I start to get frustrated, I decide it is time for her to go in her crib. I cover her in kisses, tell her I love her, and lay her in her crib for the night. I then leave her room feeling like I just stepped out of the boxing ring.
I have a feeling these nightly rockings before bed are going to be slowly phased out. She does not seem to care about them one way or the other. They OBVIOUSLY don't help her calm down before bed.
Most of the "beatings" are accidental. Julia is just getting bigger and stronger and does not realize what can hurt someone. Occasionally, especially when she is mad she will purposely try to hurt me (or others), but that results in a time out and a lecture on why we don't hurt people. Right now she is big into pinching, and of course she is still bitting! Grrrr.... We are working on it...
Friday, July 25, 2008
Animal sounds and body parts
Julia is just exploding mentally! I just cannot believe how quickly she can pick things up. You only have to show/tell her something once and she will remember it forever!
Lately I have been working on animal sounds and body parts with her. So far she knows....
Animal Sounds
Kitty (duh! Her first word after mama and dada was CAT!) - Which sounds like "Beeee-ow"
Doggie - Which is "boof"
Cow - Which is "booo"
Duck - "quack" - she has no problem with that one.
Somewhat on pig - the "oink" is hard for her to say so it don't quite come out right
Body Parts
Eyes (she really likes to jab her finger in my eye and say "eye")
I will be adding more and more. I try to only add one thing (either a body part or animal sound) at a time and give her a day or two in between each new addition.
Lately I have been working on animal sounds and body parts with her. So far she knows....
Animal Sounds
Kitty (duh! Her first word after mama and dada was CAT!) - Which sounds like "Beeee-ow"
Doggie - Which is "boof"
Cow - Which is "booo"
Duck - "quack" - she has no problem with that one.
Somewhat on pig - the "oink" is hard for her to say so it don't quite come out right
Body Parts
Eyes (she really likes to jab her finger in my eye and say "eye")
I will be adding more and more. I try to only add one thing (either a body part or animal sound) at a time and give her a day or two in between each new addition.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Beep, Beep
Julia got a toy car over the weekend. She LOVES it!!
And because we don't have any blacktop or concrete for her to ride it on outside, the car now lives in our living room. Good thing we have a big living room that has hardwood floors.
Julia, of course, knew that you are supposed to wear sunglasses in a car!!!LOL
I had a hard time putting the car together, because as soon as I pulled it out of the box, Julia sat in it and refused to move. So I had to put it together with her in it!!! Silly girl!!
(I love how you can see Julia's bare feet poking out of the bottom of this picture and how she has to have her Blankie in the car with her.)

And because we don't have any blacktop or concrete for her to ride it on outside, the car now lives in our living room. Good thing we have a big living room that has hardwood floors.
Julia, of course, knew that you are supposed to wear sunglasses in a car!!!LOL
I had a hard time putting the car together, because as soon as I pulled it out of the box, Julia sat in it and refused to move. So I had to put it together with her in it!!! Silly girl!!
(I love how you can see Julia's bare feet poking out of the bottom of this picture and how she has to have her Blankie in the car with her.)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Singing songs
Julia has 2 songs that she REALLY loves for me to sing to her.... Itsy Bitsy Spider and Old McDonald. I am singing these songs in my sleep now because I am singing them so much.
Julia loves doing the hand motions for the Itsy Bitsy Spider. It is so cute to see her do it. And as soon as we are done singing it (well, mostly me singing, her just doing the hand motions), we clap and say "YEAAAAA".
She also loves Old McDonald. She tries to say E-I-E-I-O, but it does not quite come out right. It is cute non the less. She also helps me with the animal sounds.
While I think it is so cute and neat to watch her with these songs, I REALLY think we need to add a couple more to our rotation just for my sanity!!!
Julia loves doing the hand motions for the Itsy Bitsy Spider. It is so cute to see her do it. And as soon as we are done singing it (well, mostly me singing, her just doing the hand motions), we clap and say "YEAAAAA".
She also loves Old McDonald. She tries to say E-I-E-I-O, but it does not quite come out right. It is cute non the less. She also helps me with the animal sounds.
While I think it is so cute and neat to watch her with these songs, I REALLY think we need to add a couple more to our rotation just for my sanity!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
First hair cut!!!!
Jerrod finally wore me down and we got Julia's first haircut tonight. The hair that finally grew in from where her bald spot was in the back of her head was a different length than the rest and it really looked funny. My family even teases Julia about having a mullet, because that is kind of what it looks like.
I thought it was cute with all her crazy, wispy hair, but daddy thought it needed to be evened up. I finally caved, she cannot stay a baby forever I guess.
Barrie did a good job, but I was not expecting for him to cut it quite so short in the back!! I understand that he was trying to get it all one length, but that meant it had to be cut short!!
Julia did great for most of it. Towards the end she decided she was done and we struggled some to get it finished. Of course, I saved some of the hair for her baby book. She looks so grown up and mature now. I think it was MUCH harder on mommy than it was on Julia.
Here is a good shot of what the back of her hair looked like before it was cut...

Here is an "after" shot...
I thought it was cute with all her crazy, wispy hair, but daddy thought it needed to be evened up. I finally caved, she cannot stay a baby forever I guess.
Barrie did a good job, but I was not expecting for him to cut it quite so short in the back!! I understand that he was trying to get it all one length, but that meant it had to be cut short!!
Julia did great for most of it. Towards the end she decided she was done and we struggled some to get it finished. Of course, I saved some of the hair for her baby book. She looks so grown up and mature now. I think it was MUCH harder on mommy than it was on Julia.
Here is a good shot of what the back of her hair looked like before it was cut...
Here is an "after" shot...
Here you can see just how SHORT her hair is.... Sniff....
Oh, you can see the Band-Aids on the back of her arms from her vaccinations earlier today. So she had a BIG day!!
18 month check-up
Julia had her 18 month check-up this afternoon, albeit, a few weeks late...
The pediatrician was very pleased with how well Julia is doing. She was 32.25" tall and 26.5 pounds. So she grew 2 inches and gained 3 pounds since her 15 month checkup!!! She is completely in 24 month clothes, too.
I just checked.... She is in the 75% for height, 80% for weight and 90% for head circumference. Yep, she is a BIG girl. But that comes as no surprise with my family background....
She got 3 vaccinations. The chicken pox vax must have hurt really bad. But luckily she recovered quickly and was happy all evening.
The pediatrician was very pleased with how well Julia is doing. She was 32.25" tall and 26.5 pounds. So she grew 2 inches and gained 3 pounds since her 15 month checkup!!! She is completely in 24 month clothes, too.
I just checked.... She is in the 75% for height, 80% for weight and 90% for head circumference. Yep, she is a BIG girl. But that comes as no surprise with my family background....
She got 3 vaccinations. The chicken pox vax must have hurt really bad. But luckily she recovered quickly and was happy all evening.
Little Fish!
Julia has turned into a little fish! She LOVES swimming and is getting quite fearless in the water.
What a change it has been from the baby who only got in the water a handful of time last summer and who was pretty scared at the start of swimming lessons this winter. And if any water hit her face, she was done and wanted out.
NOW, she loves the water so much. Water on the face and head is no problem. I have even dunked her underwater many times only to have her come up smiling. She splashes and plays and blows bubbles in the water. Even accidentally swallowing water does not slow her down. She is getting pretty squirmy in our arms, since she really wants to swim by herself, but I have yet to find a flotation device that is small enough to allow that. She loves to jump into your arms from the edge of the pool. We have to be on our toes though, because she does not care if we are actually prepared to catch her!
She goes swimming at LEAST once a week, usually more. Luckily Grammie and Grampie have a pool, so we can go swimming a LOT without having to deal with community pools.
I have already decided that we are going to have to do swimming lessons again this winter (I figured she did not need them this summer with all the swimming she does at Grammie and Grampie's pool). She loves the water so much that I am just going to have to figure out a way to make them fit into my schedule.
My little fish....
What a change it has been from the baby who only got in the water a handful of time last summer and who was pretty scared at the start of swimming lessons this winter. And if any water hit her face, she was done and wanted out.
NOW, she loves the water so much. Water on the face and head is no problem. I have even dunked her underwater many times only to have her come up smiling. She splashes and plays and blows bubbles in the water. Even accidentally swallowing water does not slow her down. She is getting pretty squirmy in our arms, since she really wants to swim by herself, but I have yet to find a flotation device that is small enough to allow that. She loves to jump into your arms from the edge of the pool. We have to be on our toes though, because she does not care if we are actually prepared to catch her!
She goes swimming at LEAST once a week, usually more. Luckily Grammie and Grampie have a pool, so we can go swimming a LOT without having to deal with community pools.
I have already decided that we are going to have to do swimming lessons again this winter (I figured she did not need them this summer with all the swimming she does at Grammie and Grampie's pool). She loves the water so much that I am just going to have to figure out a way to make them fit into my schedule.
My little fish....
Monday, July 7, 2008
Pfff, diapers, who needs them?
Julia has now figured out how to take off her diaper! She knew how to undo the tabs on them for awhile now, but has only messed with them during diaper changes and NEVER when she has clothes on. That all changed this weekend.
Several times this weekend I have found a nekkid child!!
We were letting her run around the house in just her diaper on Sat. since it was so hot out (and I was avoiding turning the AC on yet). I turned my back for 2 seconds only to see Julia had taken off her diaper and was running around NEKKID! It realized it was wet so I figured she went potty in it and now wanted it off, so she took it off herself. So I thought I would let her run around nekkid for awhile since she was enjoying it so much. But 10 minutes later she peed all over the floor. So she got a bath and I scrubed the floor. I went to get her when she woke up from her nap only to discover her completely nekkid in her crib! Both yesterday and this morning I have walking into her room to discover her completely undressed! (When did she learn how to take off her PJ's?) I had to keep her in a onesie all day yesterday just to keep a diaper on her! (The snaps on the onesies are too hard for her to undo)
We bought a potty chair on Saturday. She will sit on it for about 10 seconds before she decides it is boring. She likes to do the up, down, up, down, up, down thing on it. Unfortunately, I did not realize until too late that the chair is actually a little too tall for her. When she sits on it herself, her bottom is not actually over the hole/container. So I have to lift her up on it. Which is fine, except for the thing of her wanting to stand up then sit back down, etc. all by herself. I don't think she completely understands the whole Potty concept, yet either. I think if she would just use it once, it would click and she will understand, but until then I am not going to push it. She is still really young...
Several times this weekend I have found a nekkid child!!
We were letting her run around the house in just her diaper on Sat. since it was so hot out (and I was avoiding turning the AC on yet). I turned my back for 2 seconds only to see Julia had taken off her diaper and was running around NEKKID! It realized it was wet so I figured she went potty in it and now wanted it off, so she took it off herself. So I thought I would let her run around nekkid for awhile since she was enjoying it so much. But 10 minutes later she peed all over the floor. So she got a bath and I scrubed the floor. I went to get her when she woke up from her nap only to discover her completely nekkid in her crib! Both yesterday and this morning I have walking into her room to discover her completely undressed! (When did she learn how to take off her PJ's?) I had to keep her in a onesie all day yesterday just to keep a diaper on her! (The snaps on the onesies are too hard for her to undo)
We bought a potty chair on Saturday. She will sit on it for about 10 seconds before she decides it is boring. She likes to do the up, down, up, down, up, down thing on it. Unfortunately, I did not realize until too late that the chair is actually a little too tall for her. When she sits on it herself, her bottom is not actually over the hole/container. So I have to lift her up on it. Which is fine, except for the thing of her wanting to stand up then sit back down, etc. all by herself. I don't think she completely understands the whole Potty concept, yet either. I think if she would just use it once, it would click and she will understand, but until then I am not going to push it. She is still really young...
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Potty Training?
No, I am not currently trying to potty train Julia, but I think the time is going to come sooner than I thought. I figured she would be closer to 2 before she showed signs that she was ready. But now, at 18 months, she is starting to show the signs.
If I ask her if pooped her pants, she will grab her diaper and shake her head yes.
If I say "lets go change your diaper" she will run to her room (where we change her diapers).
She is starting to wake up dry from naps and sometimes even in the mornings.
The other day she walked into the bathroom, pooped her diaper, then came out and asked to be changed.
Along with some other signs...
Now that she is in the Toddler Room at daycare, she will see the other kids using the potty all the time. I am hoping that this will encourage her even more.
I am thinking of buying a potty chair soon for her just so she gets used to it around and she can sit on it fully clothed. I will see what the next few weeks bring. Daycare said that they will start as soon as we tell them we are ready and starting at home, but they prefer to wait until the child is showing the signs of readiness. Although, they did say, they might sit her on the potty occasionally just to get her used to the idea.
I just cannot believe that it is time to start thinking about potty training already. But I guess my youngest sister was potty trained about at this age, so it is not totally unusual. I just hope it goes smoothly.
If I ask her if pooped her pants, she will grab her diaper and shake her head yes.
If I say "lets go change your diaper" she will run to her room (where we change her diapers).
She is starting to wake up dry from naps and sometimes even in the mornings.
The other day she walked into the bathroom, pooped her diaper, then came out and asked to be changed.
Along with some other signs...
Now that she is in the Toddler Room at daycare, she will see the other kids using the potty all the time. I am hoping that this will encourage her even more.
I am thinking of buying a potty chair soon for her just so she gets used to it around and she can sit on it fully clothed. I will see what the next few weeks bring. Daycare said that they will start as soon as we tell them we are ready and starting at home, but they prefer to wait until the child is showing the signs of readiness. Although, they did say, they might sit her on the potty occasionally just to get her used to the idea.
I just cannot believe that it is time to start thinking about potty training already. But I guess my youngest sister was potty trained about at this age, so it is not totally unusual. I just hope it goes smoothly.
In the Toddler room
Julia is now in the Toddler room for good. They decided to extend the transition time by a week since she was struggling with it so much. So this week was supposed to be her final transition week (Giving her a 2 week transition, instead of the normal 1 week). Well the caregivers were noticing she was okay in the Toddler room and she was fine in the Nursery, but she was really struggling with the going back and forth. So they decided it would just be easier on her if she stayed in the Toddler room full time now.
So today I signed her in on the sign-in sheet in the Toddler Room... All her stuff is moved over into her new cubby in the Toddler room. Where has my little baby gone??? Then at the baby shower yesterday I saw all the baby "stuff" and realized Julia did not use any of it anymore.
It really hit home that my baby is growing up and is actually a TODDLER now!! *Sniff*
So today I signed her in on the sign-in sheet in the Toddler Room... All her stuff is moved over into her new cubby in the Toddler room. Where has my little baby gone??? Then at the baby shower yesterday I saw all the baby "stuff" and realized Julia did not use any of it anymore.
It really hit home that my baby is growing up and is actually a TODDLER now!! *Sniff*
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
FUN vacation
Vacation was a BLAST! Julia really loved it. Luckily, I got over the stomach flu pretty quickly and enjoyed the trip.
Julia really loved the beach. She was trying to figure out the sand. She would grab handfulls of it and let it run through her fingers. She only tried to eat it once before she learned that lesson. Even when we got back home she was playing in the dirt trying to figure out why it was not like the sand on the beach. I think maybe she needs a sandbox to play in. She also loved the water. The first day she did not stick more than her feet in, but by the end of the week she was running into the water, not wanting us to hold on to her with the water splashing over her head and on her face. She did not care, she loved it!! I was terrified she was going to drown. Next year we will have to make sure to bring floaties or a water vest so she can actually swim in it without us holding her.
She also saw a lot of doggies at the beach. To her they were all "kitties"! LOL Well, until one would bark, then she would scream......
Julia did really well for having her schedule all messed up. She was up early, in bed late, naps were at all different times, and she did really well through it all. The first night she was up a couple of times because she woke up and did not know where she was and got scared. But after the first night or two, she did just fine. Although, she HAD to be cramped in that playpen. The owners of the house said they had a Pack 'n Play there for us to use, so I did not bring ours. Apparently, they make "travel sized" Pack 'n Play's that are only half the size of a regular playpen. Poor Julia could not stretch out all the way in it. She was even more cramped in it because I brought along her pillow and the toys that live in her crib to put in it so it would seem more like her crib. With all that stuff in it, there was hardly any room for her to sleep!
We shopped and played and fished and ate out and relaxed and just generally had a great time. Julia really made out. She got all kinds of new clothes and new Crocs AND there was an AWESOME toy store in town. It carried the neat toys, a lot of them wooden, not all the cheap plastic stuff. So Julia also got a lot of new toys. AND some new books from the book store. Told you she made out!! I did get a few new clothes and one new necklace.
Julia DEFINATELY has her daddy's complexion. We tried to be careful and make sure she always had suncreen on, so she never burned, but she did get a nice tan. I, on the other hand, got sunburned on 3 seperate occasions, despite the SPF 45 I had on! Sigh....
Okay, here are the pictures. I will probably have to divide them into several posts, I can only post a couple in each post.

Julia really loved the beach. She was trying to figure out the sand. She would grab handfulls of it and let it run through her fingers. She only tried to eat it once before she learned that lesson. Even when we got back home she was playing in the dirt trying to figure out why it was not like the sand on the beach. I think maybe she needs a sandbox to play in. She also loved the water. The first day she did not stick more than her feet in, but by the end of the week she was running into the water, not wanting us to hold on to her with the water splashing over her head and on her face. She did not care, she loved it!! I was terrified she was going to drown. Next year we will have to make sure to bring floaties or a water vest so she can actually swim in it without us holding her.
She also saw a lot of doggies at the beach. To her they were all "kitties"! LOL Well, until one would bark, then she would scream......
Julia did really well for having her schedule all messed up. She was up early, in bed late, naps were at all different times, and she did really well through it all. The first night she was up a couple of times because she woke up and did not know where she was and got scared. But after the first night or two, she did just fine. Although, she HAD to be cramped in that playpen. The owners of the house said they had a Pack 'n Play there for us to use, so I did not bring ours. Apparently, they make "travel sized" Pack 'n Play's that are only half the size of a regular playpen. Poor Julia could not stretch out all the way in it. She was even more cramped in it because I brought along her pillow and the toys that live in her crib to put in it so it would seem more like her crib. With all that stuff in it, there was hardly any room for her to sleep!
We shopped and played and fished and ate out and relaxed and just generally had a great time. Julia really made out. She got all kinds of new clothes and new Crocs AND there was an AWESOME toy store in town. It carried the neat toys, a lot of them wooden, not all the cheap plastic stuff. So Julia also got a lot of new toys. AND some new books from the book store. Told you she made out!! I did get a few new clothes and one new necklace.
Julia DEFINATELY has her daddy's complexion. We tried to be careful and make sure she always had suncreen on, so she never burned, but she did get a nice tan. I, on the other hand, got sunburned on 3 seperate occasions, despite the SPF 45 I had on! Sigh....
Okay, here are the pictures. I will probably have to divide them into several posts, I can only post a couple in each post.
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